Release sodarunner


Very Active Member
Feb 4, 2013
i made a small arcade game about a very thirsty guy and it's in the repo now!

you can find it here:

it's not well balanced at the moment, and there's no audio yet, but else it works fine :) if you notice something weird going on when playing or have any suggestions/comments, please post them here or on the repo!

some stuff that's missing:
- audio
- explanations for the effects of the special machines
- some sort of button mapping explanation

- different game modes? (like survive by only drinking favorite brands)
Looked into it, nice coding work. I have no idea what the game is about tho.
I noticed the game runs infinitive after pausing. Also hitting the wrong button on the entry just closes the window.
Looked into it, nice coding work. I have no idea what the game is about tho.
thanks! i'll need to replace all those weird numbers everywhere with vars though... having a fixed screen resolution and fixed asset sizes made me lazy :p the game's about a guy who's super thirsty because it's summer and really hot outside. he buys all available drinks so he doesn't collapse from the heat :) not really the most creative "story", but to be honest, it was too warm around here to think up something better ;)

Also hitting the wrong button on the entry just closes the window.
ah yeah, pressing X (or right on the DPAD) in the start screen quits the game :D i'll remove the X mapping or add it to the label if it looks okay :)

I noticed the game runs infinitive after pausing.
you mean like it never quits and stays on forever? i'm not sure how to handle missing user input after the game paused. do you think people would mind if i scrapped the pause mode? i don't think it's really necessary anyway :3 (i originally put it in to be able to know what screenshots would look like, so it's more of an accidental feature anyway)

Doing the r's like this makes it more uniform

I had some more ideas, but trackpad meant my sanity ran out.
@comradekingu oh, that does look better :eek: thanks for the suggestion! ugh, i can't even imagine doing that with a trackpad ._.' i felt kind of stupid for buying a graphics tablet solely for (small) pixel art, but it saved me lots of headaches :)
Gave this a quick go earlier. I couldn't work out the keymapping (and hadn't read the OP properly), but in the end found that holding left and spamming A and Y seemed to work fairly reliably. Maybe I was just catching the B button while doing that, and maybe my timing was off when I actually tried the B button, but some sort of animation to indicate a mistimed press would probably help here.

In the end I got the game into a state where after buying 42 drinks with my weird method, the temperature increased incredibly slowly and the time didn't seem to change at all (I'd not noticed if it did anything while actually playing it though), and after leaving it for ten minutes or so I ended up quitting out of it. I guess balancing the game might improve that though.
Gave this a quick go earlier. I couldn't work out the keymapping (and hadn't read the OP properly), but in the end found that holding left and spamming A and Y seemed to work fairly reliably. Maybe I was just catching the B button while doing that, and maybe my timing was off when I actually tried the B button, but some sort of animation to indicate a mistimed press would probably help here.

In the end I got the game into a state where after buying 42 drinks with my weird method, the temperature increased incredibly slowly and the time didn't seem to change at all (I'd not noticed if it did anything while actually playing it though), and after leaving it for ten minutes or so I ended up quitting out of it. I guess balancing the game might improve that though.

that's pretty strange :confused: at least the timer should count up correctly... does it run okay when you only use the B button?
oh, and which pandora model do you own? maybe my messy deltatime handling finally backfired ._.'
i'm trying to make a button mapping screen. it's kind of cluttered at the moment (and the colors are not final), but i'll add it soon :) do i need to add the button labels to this or is the shape enough to recognize which buttons are shown?
Yes, that looks perfectly clear to me.

I've played a bit more using the B button, and that seems to work better now. However the games are much shorter, as the game has a habit of ramping up the temperature to above what it was before I started drinking at a machine by the time I reach the next one, but after a bit of practice I was almost able to beat my broken timer score of 151 with a score of 140.

Also, FWIW, I couldn't find this game in my menu after installing it. Previously I'd played by launching through pndmanager, and this time I ended up having to pndrun the pnd file, but perhaps my menu daemon is broken.
Yes, that looks perfectly clear to me.

I've played a bit more using the B button, and that seems to work better now. However the games are much shorter, as the game has a habit of ramping up the temperature to above what it was before I started drinking at a machine by the time I reach the next one, but after a bit of practice I was almost able to beat my broken timer score of 151 with a score of 140.

Also, FWIW, I couldn't find this game in my menu after installing it. Previously I'd played by launching through pndmanager, and this time I ended up having to pndrun the pnd file, but perhaps my menu daemon is broken.

phew, i'm glad it runs okay now. the speed of the temperature going up is indeed a bit fast at the moment (got a bunch of complaints from my coworkers who tested it, too), but i'm fixing that :3 oh, and the heat is going up if you press the B button if there's no machine nearby. i already added a visual feedback for that (character flashes read) so it'll be easier to tell what's going on in the next update :)

for me, the game shows up fine everywhere on both sd cards. my old 2GB sd card (which corrupts pretty often; i don't use it for anything else than testing the behaviour of applications in case of random unmounts) had a few issues with it though.
Too easy now. So what now happens:

Bang your finger multiple times to empty any soda machine. this lowers "heat" and gives you points.
If you are on 100% heat... nothing happens... no "game over"
timer stays at 00:10
Too easy now. So what now happens:

Bang your finger multiple times to empty any soda machine. this lowers "heat" and gives you points.
If you are on 100% heat... nothing happens... no "game over"
timer stays at 00:10

whoops, i thought i had fixed that :/ thanks for reporting this!

EDIT: yeah, maybe i should check if the guy is dead after adding heat and not just update the UI -_-''
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much better now. @jeeks can you make the game harder as time progresses? For example, reduce less heat with any other drink than the currently highlighted, or mix it up with an "aversion" to a certain drink?
Maybe during the transition to another level, add a bathroom sign, so you know, you are "empty" again...
Found any music yet?
If you need free soundeffects, I suggest creating them with SFXR (website contains an mp3 with examples), here is an online flash version, if you don't want to run it in wine, or compile it:

Edit: so will you get fat over time? Will there be a bladder gauge and a WC door?
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Hi all !

@jeeks : it's nice to see some new homebrew games for the Pandora, keep up the good work :)


- Switch to a Quick Time Events based system ? I.e associate each soda brand to a different key on the Pandora ( A, Y, B, X plus triggers L and R ) ?

- Add obstacles to avoid / jump over, like fallen students who died from the heat ? ;)

Cheers, Magic Sam
Add obstacles to avoid / jump over, like fallen students who died from the heat
ooh good ideas Magic Sam! ... teacher-comming-out-of-doors (or just doors that open) you need to avoid/step sideways with one button (or a bully that comes your way). Fainted students you need to jump over with another button (and/or holes in the ground?), drink from the machine with yet another button...
And in level 1, there are no people on the ground yet... the mayhem slowly builds up...
So awesome that you made it :D. I shall have to play it, and if you want any music you know where to find me :p
it took way longer than i thought though XD music would be awesome! if you have anything that would fit, tell me :D i'm currently browsing free music archive for chiptune stuff, but most of the time i just get distracted by a cool melody and start constructing a new project around that :/

much better now. @jeeks can you make the game harder as time progresses? For example, reduce less heat with any other drink than the currently highlighted, or mix it up with an "aversion" to a certain drink?
Maybe during the transition to another level, add a bathroom sign, so you know, you are "empty" again...
Found any music yet?
If you need free soundeffects, I suggest creating them with SFXR (website contains an mp3 with examples), here is an online flash version, if you don't want to run it in wine, or compile it:
the dude already has a favorite brand, it's displayed on the right on the stats bar :3 i'll change the label to "favorite"; don't ask why i put "brand" in there o_O
the guy doesn't need to go to the bathroom, he's sweating out everything he drinks ;)
no music yet (see above), but my SFX folder is filling up nicely :D i'm using bfxr for that (since i'm too lazy to install anything) :)

shameless plug: sfxr is in codeblocks (but yeah, almost a 2Gb download for just that).

Good work @jeeks , keep on working on it :)
thanks! i guess i'll give codeblock a shot then :D currently, i'm doing everything in vim (i started learning python when i wrecked my window manager and got so used to the damn thing that i just stick with it for python code).


- Switch to a Quick Time Events based system ? I.e associate each soda brand to a different key on the Pandora ( A, Y, B, X plus triggers L and R ) ?

- Add obstacles to avoid / jump over, like fallen students who died from the heat ? ;)
implementing obstacles would be pretty easy. the empty space between the machines are just vending machines with no drinks and empty sprites that move around like the rest of them, so i'd just need to replace the image and add a flag for obstacle somewhere :) i'll give it a try :D
dunno about the different buttons. i tried to keep the amount of buttons necessary to a minimum so i can play it with one hand while holding a snack with the other ;) but i'll keep it in mind in case i add different game modes :)