Release Zak McKracken the fan game


Certified Guru
Jan 8, 2009
Daniele Spadoni recently released another adventure fan game called Zak McKracken the fan game.
I just repacked the AGS engine that i compiled from the previous released game (The Pixel has you) and did a new PND of it.
Download here from the repo.



v1: AGS run using software mode so a bit slow and in a window.
V2: AGS now run using OpenGL (and so GL4ES library) with better speed and fullscreen, also i enabled audio threaded in options, so no more
stuttering music.
If you are using the previous version please go to appdata/zakfangame and delete acsetup.cfg

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Hi, very nice, seems to work fine with CC (with overclocking to reduce minor sound stuttering at the title screen). Been playing half an hour so far this evening. Thank you for porting :)
Thank's for the nice comments.:cool:

The reason for the slowdown is that the engine is running using software mode for rendering.

If AGS on the next releases receive a fix on the engine about support OpenGL/GLes (at the moment i have a black screen with the game running in background using OpenGL), we could play this games with music and all the rest enabled without slowdown.

On Linux distro's the engine runs fine with OpenGL, but on our Pandora (and i think on Android) it have the black screen.
did you have tried that
export LIBGL_FB=1

Command before running with OpenGL in the Same Terminal?

Then it should be run with PtitSebs OpenGL ;)

Edit: Okay i tried it with my newest Build of AGS from Yesterday here.
There is a Error who sait "Shaders require a Minimum of OpenGL 2.0 Support"

I try to build a new Version of Ptitsebs GL4ES and try again ;)

Edit Edit:
PtitSebs GL4ES do not support OpenGL 2.0 yet.
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did you have tried that
export LIBGL_FB=1

Command before running with OpenGL in the Same Terminal?

Then it should be run with PtitSebs OpenGL ;)

Edit: Okay i tried it with my newest Build of AGS from Yesterday here.
There is a Error who sait "Shaders require a Minimum of OpenGL 2.0 Support"

I try to build a new Version of Ptitsebs GL4ES and try again ;)

Edit Edit:
PtitSebs GL4ES do not support OpenGL 2.0 yet.

Yes i used GL4ES for my test using GL and also asked some help from ptitSeb, but the OpenGL implementation on the engine of AGS is bugged for us.
I don't know how to fix.
Nice Game and Thanks for Releasing :)
I do like the Idea to Release AGS Standalone Games.

Thanks for doing are the Reason why i Build a new AGS Version Yesterday for Testing Things.
Maybe i will Update the AGS Runtime PND next Days with it :)
yay it work now with OpenGL.
The Command i used is:
export LIBGL_ES=2 ; ./ags --gfxdriver ogl /media/PANDORA1/agsgames/stargate/

and stargate Adventure runs realy bit faster with OpenGL.

I will try Zack McKracken Fangame now.

Thank you @ptitSeb ...and learned a new important Command :)

Edit: seem to be a bit faster with Zack McKracken too.
Thank you for learning i can make a AGS Runtime PND Update with OpenGL support next Days.
But for today..gn8.
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Daniele Spadoni recently released another adventure fan game called Zak McKracken the fan game.
I just repacked the AGS engine that i compiled from the previous released game (The Pixel has you) and did a new PND of it.
Download here from the repo.


Sweet! I'll try this out later on! I really loved Maniac Mansion and Zak McKraken on the 64 I finished Maniac Mansion but never got to finish Zak... I had a disk error on disk 3 iirc :p
yay it work now with OpenGL.
The Command i used is:
export LIBGL_ES=2 ; ./ags --gfxdriver ogl /media/PANDORA1/agsgames/stargate/

and stargate Adventure runs realy bit faster with OpenGL.

I will try Zack McKracken Fangame now.

Thank you @ptitSeb ...and learned a new important Command :)

Edit: seem to be a bit faster with Zack McKracken too.
Thank you for learning i can make a AGS Runtime PND Update with OpenGL support next Days.
But for today..gn8.

Just tested on my CC Pandora and i still have the black screen (with the music of the game running).
Do you use a new release of AGS ?
Do you use a CC or a Ghz Pandora to test?

Maybe there are the CC drivers not working....
GHZ Pandora ;)
Black Screen and Sound here too.
Same Problem here when i try to build a PND.

From Codeblocks it do work fine with Picture.

I do try more these Days.

Here a short Test Video..but my Sound Recording is not working yet from Pandora to PC;)
Ah nice video Thanks
Also you are right...from Codeblocks it's running with video and audio...really strange.

What could it be ??
Ok uploaded a new pnd, now using OpenGL (and GL4ES by @ptitSeb contained on Codeblocks beta of November 2019) fullscreen and with audio that now works good even at 600Mhz.

If you are using the previous version please go to appdata/zakfangame and delete acsetup.cfg

Big Thanks to ptitseb for GL4ES and all the help, and also to @ingoreis for testing the game on Codeblocks finding a GL4ES library that work best.
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