So, Say Gph Released A Sequel...

2 SD Card Slots


480x320 or 640x480 Resolution

D-Pad (or equally good analogue)

> 400mhz ARM CPU (Single)

ABCXYZ Button Setup (Smaller C/Z Buttons)

Volume Dial or Slider, not Volume Buttons

Stick With AAs

Better Hardware Constuction
Maybe another possibility is different hardware versions with components left out if you don't want them? eg, wifi, TV out chip, USB2.0, maybe a version with a larger internal NAND storage or RAM... Personally I could do without the USB2.0 support, but I would like a host capable port for the sake of plugging in a keyboard/mouse/external HD (yeah, I'm weird like that).

But I think the problem is the actual components add so little to the cost, it would almost be pointless making them optional, unless it's for artificial price range stratification (kinda like how CPU makers mark up high end chips to exploit the whole budget range, even though production costs are pretty much identical), and that it would be difficult to guess what quantities of each to produce.
Squidge posted on Feb 1 2006 at 12:16 PM said:
Wifi would be a useless expense for the people that don't won't it, so I'd say make it optional - perhaps give two SD ports, one supporting SDIO so you could purchase a Wifi card if you wanted it without adding price to the basic unit.


64MB of RAM (at least 50MB of which should be usable by apps)
400Mhz ARM processor, and if they decide to use two, give the second a dedicated amount of it's own memory (couple of MB should be enough as long as it can share the 64MB as and when required, which shouldn't be a problem)
Basic 2D GPU that supports scaling and blitting. Don't bother with fancy stuff like 3D that 1 application out of 1000 will use.
Dual SD slots, with at least one of those supporting SDIO.
320*240 screen or multiple thereof (eg. 640x480 if not much price difference)
Nice responsive dpad.
Li-ion battery that can be charged in the unit, but with support for AA's as a replacement (that go in the same place)
Decent audio hardware - handling multiple channels in hardware would be nice, along with hardware volume control (like on the GP32)

and some things that would be nice, but less practical:

OLED keys that can be configured to match the emulated system (eg. emulate a snes, and they light up as A,B,X,Y, emulate a PSX and they change to triangle, etc)

Squidge, those are some great ideas. However I think that the OLED idea *might* be patented.
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Yono posted on Feb 1 2006 at 10:36 PM said:
Squidge at those are some great ideas. However I think that the OLED idea *might* be patented.

well, in that case, why not bring in art.lebedev? they could design a nice looking case design for it :D

with regards to art.lebedev, i'm annoyed that the feb 1st surprise turned out to be a 3-button keyboard. eh...
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Goity posted on Feb 1 2006 at 10:56 AM said:
Oh, and the 3d chip shouldn't be ATI, as their chips suck, and are really unstable, not to mention the fact that they don't like linux.

Have two desktops running debian and Linux from scratch, both have ATI, and both work just as well as NVidia. OpenGL looks great, Dual monitor support and TV out . . .
Just need to configure xorg/XFree86 properly and compile a kernel for ATI's binary driver.

Back on topic,

*Instant On* :D (plug a CR2032 battery in there somewhere)
1 CPU at 533Mhz+
Space for 3 or 4 AA NiMH rechargeables
64MB Ram, that is usable without jumping through hoops, otherwise 128 MB
640x480 screen (OLED)
Any other joystick than what we have :)
2 SD, USB Host @ 2.0
and a partridge in a pear tree . . .
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I think by controller, he meant the joystick...

If they come out with GP2neXt, I think they should keep it from everyone until it's almost ready for shipment/release for a start. *laugh* There are NO patient people on this forum, aside from the staff and half the devs.

The joystick, yes, but it's so obvious an answer.
The Dual CPU was a very good idea in principle, but the primary CPU should be a little faster... So perhaps 400/200 MHz would be good.
3D acceleration I don't know about, although might be fun to see what's possible with it.
Perhaps a chip for MP3 hardware support for MP3 playback in games/apps.
You all want these features but would bitch like buggery when it cost 100 quid more. Some things are reasonable like usbhost and different tick/dpad, but most of the things youre saying are stupidly unreasonable. Yeah sure wed all love a 1ghz, touchscreen with a SLI geforce, but its not going to happen! Its near perfect for what its basicly for - retro. You want new, go get yourself a PSP/DS

Reasonable aditions in a future model:
USB host (since its basicly there already)
Different stick (although, for the sake of being in the pocket, Id prefer a dpad, even though I like a stick better for playing)
Slightly farther apart buttons (not a big deal though)

Feasable, but less likely....
Maybe a space for a wifi/bluetooth addon, making it purely optional and keeping price low.
Maybe a simple little variable resistor added for volume, but keeping the two volume buttons too (replacing them with 2 normal buttons, even better would be moving them into a megadrive configuration next to the existing 4)
Perhaps a standby button or some method of low power suspension (although thats pretty unlikely)

Personal oppinion changed:
A less shit looking design :P
Yono posted on Feb 1 2006 at 10:24 PM said:
To those who said they wanted a touchscreen; why?
Relatively cheap to implement, vastly expands the possibilities for home-brew games, and I wouldn't have to carry a PDA with me for simple tasks (text input, web browsing, address books, etc.)

Why not put it on there?
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iignotus posted on Feb 1 2006 at 10:48 PM said:
Yono posted on Feb 1 2006 at 10:24 PM said:
To those who said they wanted a touchscreen; why?
Relatively cheap to implement, vastly expands the possibilities for home-brew games, and I wouldn't have to carry a PDA with me for simple tasks (text input, web browsing, address books, etc.)

Why not put it on there?

It works very well for Animal Crossing ;)
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I find the regular dpad/buttons work better in Animal Crossing for everything except selling stuff to Tom Nook. It's useful in other games, though.
Ravnos posted on Feb 1 2006 at 10:55 PM said:
I find the regular dpad/buttons work better in Animal Crossing for everything except selling stuff to Tom Nook. It's useful in other games, though.

How 'bout entering text ;) I also like it for fishing. I wouldn't hate a touch screen on the next GP though ...
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