So, Say Gph Released A Sequel...

A NeoGeo Pad - like Stick
Faster Single CPU
Wifi support
Lower power usage
Firmware that's correct from the word go
SDK on release for direct hardware
Nvidia or ATI chipset (even their oldest chipset would be super on a 320x240 screen) and at this point has got to be cheap...
rechargable battery
- WiFi, Bluetooth or at least Infrared
- Better joystick (not dpad)

and uh..i cant think of much else..

oh yeah

- Screen already comes attached =|

- better hardware? i want the next gp2x to be able to emulate playstation no problem as if it was NES.
Squidge posted on Feb 1 2006 at 01:35 PM said:
The VRender is meant for a games machine, whereas the MMSP2 is meant for a PMP - which is basically what the GP2X is, and where GPH are concentrating.

I'd would be interesting to know what cross section of users there are. I'm willing to bet more are into the GP2x for gaming than the PMP aspect.
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Oh, and the 3d chip shouldn't be ATI, as their chips suck, and are really unstable, not to mention the fact that they don't like linux.
I would definately like a better stick. As it is I'm almost loath to use my gp2x to play games (I think the stick on my particular unit might be a bit defective though).

Not neccessary, but would be nice in a "gp3x":
Single core CPU, preferably 400+
USB host

Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to mention: Internal nuclear power cell (Protective radiation clothing sold seperately) :P
I like the idea of a better GUI. Even a better explorer would be nice, with virtual keyboard and all, so you could easily rename things and spend time making everything all nice and pretty. But I have the impression that one day some crazy coding god(or goddess) will come along and give us one he(or she) built and we'll all say 'crumbz.'
I'd also like a bit more common sense put into the location of sockets - the headphone socket would make a lot more sense at the bottom of the unit.
Nevertheless, this is the coolest toy I have ever bought and I'm ever so chuffed with it. :D
run X windows (or a cut down version) from the factory
MMU for 2nd CPU if two are used

Pretty much a NDS without the 2nd screen, more memory, and native homebrew support...
BradN posted on Feb 1 2006 at 03:32 PM said:
run X windows (or a cut down version) from the factory
MMU for 2nd CPU if two are used

Pretty much a NDS without the 2nd screen, more memory, and native homebrew support...
You want a Zodiac?
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Screen fitted in factory (what are they thinking?!!)
Better stick
Single core CPU at 300MhZ+
USB host
Mains adapter + TV cable included in pack
Include 2 NiMH batteries @ ~2000-2500mAh - batteries can be charged in GP2X


WiFi (no good for emu's and a power drain)
Li-Ion pack (expensive to get spares)
FPU (I can't be bothered with 3D on such a small screen)

There that seems pretty reasonable! I'd definately keep the AA's though - it's great being able to carry a spare set around for the sake of a couple of ££'s.
Eww, gross... that not only doesn't run X windows from the factory, but it runs palmOS. I like my linux, thank you very much, haha

Edit: referring to zodiac

Also, wifi wouldn't be a power drain if it were designed properly and could be suspended down to a couple mA or so.
64mb RAM (as before)
400mhz ARM
GPU (3D/2D) (should also be able to scale just like the GP2X)
SD slot
320*240 Screen
Lower Power Usage
A nice joystick.
i'm not feeling this "no analogue control" business at all.

I can't wait till someone actually gets it spot on, but it cant be cheap to produce prototype after prototype.
Paradox posted on Feb 1 2006 at 06:03 PM said:
why would wifi be a power drain? would it not be possible to *turn it off* when its not in use?
Well I was thinking if you actually used it, it would be a significant power drain. My experience with PDA's is that it makes a lot of difference. Overall though I am just not convinced of the usefulness of WiFi on a GP2X.

But sure if it adds no cost to the unit, and you can turn it off, then it can be in :D Judging from the popularity here, it would have been a nice selling point.
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Wifi would be a useless expense for the people that don't won't it, so I'd say make it optional - perhaps give two SD ports, one supporting SDIO so you could purchase a Wifi card if you wanted it without adding price to the basic unit.


64MB of RAM (at least 50MB of which should be usable by apps)
400Mhz ARM processor, and if they decide to use two, give the second a dedicated amount of it's own memory (couple of MB should be enough as long as it can share the 64MB as and when required, which shouldn't be a problem)
Basic 2D GPU that supports scaling and blitting. Don't bother with fancy stuff like 3D that 1 application out of 1000 will use.
Dual SD slots, with at least one of those supporting SDIO.
320*240 screen or multiple thereof (eg. 640x480 if not much price difference)
Nice responsive dpad.
Li-ion battery that can be charged in the unit, but with support for AA's as a replacement (that go in the same place)
Decent audio hardware - handling multiple channels in hardware would be nice, along with hardware volume control (like on the GP32)

and some things that would be nice, but less practical:

OLED keys that can be configured to match the emulated system (eg. emulate a snes, and they light up as A,B,X,Y, emulate a PSX and they change to triangle, etc)