So I opened this box

Eight Bit

Hardcore Member
Nov 16, 2008
Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Sorry about the bad picture quality. If anyone's interested in any of these, please let me know.
I'm willing to sell any of these items if the offer is decent enough. It's not that I'm in dire need of moneys but it hasn't left the box in years so maybe some one else will or wants to put it to more / better use.

Lets see...

PSP 1000 (hacked to accept iso's)
PSP 3000 - original (with some games)
Gameboy original (with some games) - sold
Gameboy Light (backlight edition from Japan) - sold

Gameboy pocket from Japan
Gameboy color (with some disney kids games) - sold
Gameboy advance (with some games) - sold
Gameboy advance NES clamshell edition - sold
Gameboy advance micro - sold
Nintendo DS fat - sold

Nintendo DS Lite with (R2 card)
Conny PDC (built in games)
GP2X F100 (with memcard)
GP2X F200 (with memcard)
GP32 FLU (with memcard)
GP32 BLU (with memcard)
Letcool (comes with 2 controllers)
MI2 (built in games)
Pocket gamestation (3 carts)
Leapster (1 cart)
Atari 2600 direct to TV joystick
Psion S3A 512 KB
Stryker gane handheld (built in games)

I think that's most of it... Some are boxed, some not. Everything works and looks good. o/


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Lots of goodies there. I have enough of the things I am most interested in (Nintendo handhelds), so probably not going to make an offer. Plus I would probably get a stern talking to by my other half if a box of them showed up.

Are you accepting best offers, or do you have specific prices in mind? Are you willing to ship worldwide?
I'm cautiously interested in one of the GP32 units, but I know I shouldn't be spending a lot on that hobby. Any ballpark figure in mind for one of them?
Lots of goodies there. I have enough of the things I am most interested in (Nintendo handhelds), so probably not going to make an offer. Plus I would probably get a stern talking to by my other half if a box of them showed up.

Are you accepting best offers, or do you have specific prices in mind? Are you willing to ship worldwide?

Haha! Don't we all, in regards to the spouse and the hobby :D
I accept anything I deem reasonable so I have no fixed prices or anything. I know what it's worth and it's not the exorbitant amounts of money asked on ebay. Hardly worth the effort to sell them but you know... They're not being done justice by just laying there... Not enough room in my life/house.
My oldest daughter wanted to snatch the pink GB micro but my wife prevented it ;) I too know it will end up in a drawer within half an hour to never be looked at again... pity really :-/
I'll send anywhere, that's all the same to me as long as the shipping costs are in the offer :)

I thought something around 60 euro would be decent @slaeshjag but anyone please correct me if that's too much or too little ;)
I say let her play it, and if she does end up tossing it in a drawer, ask for it back so it can get a new home.

If they don't sell here maybe you should try eBay, especially if you can get a little more for them there. Even better, maybe you could trade them for something you would give more attention to. That is what I need to do with some of my old computers.

So I can pretend to be on topic, how is the display on that original GB? They tend to develop lines even if not abused.

A more legitimate inquiry (although I probably can't afford shipping if it would be more than the cost of games): Do you mind making a list or picture of the GB/C/A games?
Gameboy Light (backlight edition from Japan)
PSP 1000 (hacked to accept iso's)
Gameboy advance micro
[doublepost=1504717681,1504717419][/doublepost]pm sent
Hmm I like the look of the red DS Lite, I'm in Australia though would postage be too extreme?
Could be, its not a DS lite but a fat and the case is not original. Not looking to get a whole lot for it.
A more legitimate inquiry (although I probably can't afford shipping if it would be more than the cost of games): Do you mind making a list or picture of the GB/C/A games?
Next time I open the box :D
Could be, its not a DS lite but a fat and the case is not original. Not looking to get a whole lot for it.
Next time I open the box :D
Oh wow if it's a red phat DS that's even more appealing to me, are there any dead pixels on the screens or scratches?