So Craig, Whats That Gp2x That You Have Like?

:P haha
yeah, a better idea maybe to paint the buttons to the snes colors, but to keep the button arrangement as it is. you dont look to the button letters when usually playing games anyway, just memorize it!
I'm not talking about emulation. Obviously there'd be no problem with emulation since I'm already accustomed to those platforms; the problem will be with other games, commercial or homebrew. It's going to get REALLY confusing, especially considering how mixed up the buttons are this time compared to SNES.
craigix posted on Oct 8 2005 at 02:21 PM said:
I don't have a TV cable with this unit. Its basicly a hand built unit with new firmware (still buggy) hardware is good though. USB does not work yet.

edit: Did you PM me on here? Hmm I don't have any new mail...

Hmm, well it's OK.

Here's the question, it's pretty simple: On LikSang they say the GP2X's video playback usingTV-Out is actually 320x240 scaled up to 640x480, and someone said that GamePark confirmed that info. Is that true?

Because previously we all thought TV-out video playback would be at full video resolution, and not just 320x240 scaled up.

If you know the answer, or can find out for me, it would be appreciated.
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Azure posted on Oct 9 2005 at 03:15 AM said:
I'm not talking about emulation. Obviously there'd be no problem with emulation since I'm already accustomed to those platforms; the problem will be with other games, commercial or homebrew. It's going to get REALLY confusing, especially considering how mixed up the buttons are this time compared to SNES.

Huh? I still dont get it, if it's not about emulators than it should be even easier on you in homebrew, it's just a new controller layout, a simple left, right, down, up:


If you can learn the PS layout with symbols you can learn this, heck you may even be allowed to configure your buttons in homebrew games, If it were like this maybe I could understand your confusion a little:


...But even then there's a pretty simple clockwise pattern to the button layout.
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I'm talking about the lettering. It sucks to have to learn a new lettering format (I grew up on SNES, so I'm used to that the most. So I was a little annoyed at having to adjust to a new letter arrangement with the Dreamcast. Then the XBOX came out and I had to adjust again. Then the GC came out and I had to adjust to that new lettering format. And now it's the same thing with the GP2X, but this time the letters have really been tossed around compared to SNES).

I'm not really bitching, just interested in finding a way to fix it to save myself the trouble of having to deal with learning a new letter arrangement. It's not too serious of an issue (Definetly not one to make me not want to get the GP2X), but it's something that I'd be interesting in discussing and finding a solution.
Tbh, whenever I get hold of a new system, or play on someone else's, or whatever, I just spend a minute or two pressing the buttopns and seeing what they do. Don't care what they're called, unless the game ensures I have to (and even then I'm happy to check...). Think in terms of "JUMP", "SHOOT", "STRAFE" as opposed to ABXY, and you'll be fine, I'm sure...
The marking of a button has never bothered me becuase I just learn by game, in terms of like jump, fire, collect and thats how I think of the buttons. In all honesty I dont even know which way round the A and B buttons are on my gp32 becuase its never been a issue to me
I'll try to find out the TV out specs, gamepark have not finished making the cable yet, so even they probably don't know yet. I think the chipset supports the proper res, I don't know why they would scale it down then back up...
craigix posted on Oct 9 2005 at 05:40 AM said:
I'll try to find out the TV out specs, gamepark have not finished making the cable yet, so even they probably don't know yet. I think the chipset supports the proper res, I don't know why they would scale it down then back up...

I though their Tv out chip (for lack of a better word) support resolutions all the way up to HD. So I don't know why it would scale it up, espically if it is already playing a movie in 640x480. Then it would be scalling it down and back up :huh:
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Azure, maybe someone will make a gameskin that has the SNES letter next to the buttons. I can see how in a game it could tell you what button to push, but it shouldn't be that hard to memorize the layout of the SNES. Anyway, It will be more difficult to switch buttons around.

I've long since forgotten where all the buttons exactly are on the SNES controller, when I config my controller for ZSNES I always have to redo it. :D I'm still not even sure I got it right at the moment. But really it's just a mater of getting confortable with it. It took playing Parappa the Rapper to force me to learn where the buttons were on the PS because I couldnt keep looking down when the symbols came up for each line in the song. "Punch, punch, Block? uh, where were those again? Dammit!" You'll get used to it, it's a lot easier then memorizing a social security or creditcard number.
Here's what I do when I'm organising the buttons on ZSNES: Play Donkey Kong Country 3, and go into one of the bonus caves. The crystals in there light up according to which colour of each button is which. You know what I mean...

Anyway, all you lot moaning about how it's different to a SNES layout, how do you think those of us brought up on Megadrives'll feel? Playing Forgotten Worlds and Skeleton Krew ain't gonna be easy, I can tell you that
TwoHeadedBoy posted on Oct 9 2005 at 07:18 PM said:
how do you think those of us brought up on Megadrives'll feel? Playing Forgotten Worlds and Skeleton Krew ain't gonna be easy, I can tell you that

About time a non snes fanboi chipped in!
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parappa aslo forced me to learn the ps button layout heh. those were the days
One thing to remember that we're emulating systems, not cloning them. They won't always be perfect in software or hardware. I think we're giving Azure a hard time though.

Azure made his feelings known and we ribbed him a little on it because we felt in unneccesary for ourselves, but we're not ridiculing him now, we're just talking about button in general now. I'm sure he understands that as much as he understands his chances are pretty much 50/50 as to whether he can do what he's talking about without incuring an issue later.