Snail W1 [Much]

Interesting, I'll be curious to see how it looks and what its specs are. 

Still thinking of getting the G2 and W1 for my handheld arsenal once they both drop to a much more attractive price. I like their looks and designs, even though they're lacking in performance.
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Some early sales of it already apparently, though mass sale still 20th of this month

Seems no joystick driver though, so the nubs not ideal, but personally I'd be using the dpad mostly and looking to play older games more than modern Android ones

Anyone can tell me, does the mention there of a 52Hz screen mean much in terms of emulation?

Or is that an issue really just for newer Android type games, or more demanding emulators?

Still be ok for your SNES/MD/MAME type play?
Anyone heard any rumors of a successor to this device?  If they can fix the analog input and maybe add L2/R2 it looks just about perfect for a phone.
Pretty certain there isn't one yet.

I'm on that one too.

I check obscure handhelds .com daily... And dingoonity thread as the guys there usually get news quick.

From what I've read at dingoonity people won't be able to do fix for the analog either, so will have to wait for next device and hope that ireadygo sort that out next time
If they fix those analog sticks this thing would be an awesome gamestream device as well via limelight...