Squidgesnes Source


Still Fresh
Jan 20, 2006
Well Squidge has released the source for SquidgeSNES v0.34

Source: http://squidge.wordpress.com/2006/02/14/sq...34-source-code/
I’ve uploaded the source code to 0.34 here -> http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,46,1264

It contains a few things that are not in the latest public binary version, but nothing major.

I was just wondering if this means that we're still not gonna see a new release of SSNES for awhile. I was gonna say ever but the fact it's not the latest binary (and more importantly the latest public binary) hopefully means that we'll see a new release eventually, but will it be awhile. If it is, I can't blame squidge - he's got other stuff on his mind for sure. But SSNES is definitely the emu I'm looking forward to the most so I'm always anxious about new releases and such.
gaterooze posted on Feb 15 2006 at 01:59 AM said:
Ever think he could be releasing a spanking new version for the coding competition?

Sadly no. Squidge said in another thread last week that he wouldn't be entering either squidgesnes or squidgengine in the coding competition "for reasons that will become apparent in the next release." I guess he could've changed his mind though as the new release hasn't happened yet. Like Kode though, my first thought upon seeing the source release was that squidge may be done working on squidgesnes for quite awhile...
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naples39 posted on Feb 15 2006 at 05:12 PM said:
gaterooze posted on Feb 15 2006 at 01:59 AM said:
Ever think he could be releasing a spanking new version for the coding competition?

Sadly no. Squidge said in another thread last week that he wouldn't be entering either squidgesnes or squidgengine in the coding competition "for reasons that will become apparent in the next release." I guess he could've changed his mind though as the new release hasn't happened yet. Like Kode though, my first thought upon seeing the source release was that squidge may be done working on squidgesnes for quite awhile...

or he might be releasing the source because he beleives in opensource and all that.
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Heh, it's nothing to do with Gizmondo. . .

It's simply because some people have requested the source as they want to hack it up or add certain things that they want. For example, one person wants to try and get further in a game they are playing by hacking the graphics layers for a certain part of it.

[Although I do have something that taking up what little spare time I have at the moment, and it's nothing to do with the GP2X or Gizmondo... See my website]
Squidge posted on Feb 15 2006 at 09:36 AM said:
Heh, it's nothing to do with Gizmondo. . .

It's simply because some people have requested the source as they want to hack it up or add certain things that they want. For example, one person wants to try and get further in a game they are playing by hacking the graphics layers for a certain part of it.

[Although I do have something that taking up what little spare time I have at the moment, and it's nothing to do with the GP2X or Gizmondo... See my website]
How many handhelds are you sleeping with?
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Squidge posted on Feb 15 2006 at 03:36 AM said:
Heh, it's nothing to do with Gizmondo. . .

It's simply because some people have requested the source as they want to hack it up or add certain things that they want. For example, one person wants to try and get further in a game they are playing by hacking the graphics layers for a certain part of it.

[Although I do have something that taking up what little spare time I have at the moment, and it's nothing to do with the GP2X or Gizmondo... See my website]
Yeah I saw that too... Damn I wish I could write and/or port emulators. I'm becoming a fairly seasoned developer at work so I'm gonna give it a shot, but I'm def not going to start with SNES on gp2x :) . I'll probably give optimizing FCE-Ultra gp2x a try though.

For someone that's been programming C/C++ for a couple of years, does this sound like a viable way to start learning how to write emulators?
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MakavelianKode posted on Feb 15 2006 at 01:41 PM said:
Squidge posted on Feb 15 2006 at 03:36 AM said:
Heh, it's nothing to do with Gizmondo. . .

It's simply because some people have requested the source as they want to hack it up or add certain things that they want. For example, one person wants to try and get further in a game they are playing by hacking the graphics layers for a certain part of it.

[Although I do have something that taking up what little spare time I have at the moment, and it's nothing to do with the GP2X or Gizmondo... See my website]
Yeah I saw that too... Damn I wish I could write and/or port emulators. I'm becoming a fairly seasoned developer at work so I'm gonna give it a shot, but I'm def not going to start with SNES on gp2x :) . I'll probably give optimizing FCE-Ultra gp2x a try though.

For someone that's been programming C/C++ for a couple of years, does this sound like a viable way to start learning how to write emulators?
They normally say you should write a Chip8 Emulator to begin with as apparently that is easy.

Skeezix wrote a nice little article on writing an emulator a while back.
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Porting is porting.. emus are no different, and not hard to do (easier than other things in fact, usually.)

Writing emus from scratch is not hard, but its tedious as heck :)

Start with Space Invaders arcade ;)

Porting is porting.. emus are no different, and not hard to do (easier than other things in fact, usually.)
Easier? Most emulators have very system-specific Asm code mixed up in the middle, and if it's a dynarec it's espetially a lot of work. o_O
I do agree that it's really tedious though. The fact that you have to write a whole lot of code before you can see anything running about makes coding it a bit frustrating.
Thanks for the help guys.

Back on topic though - thanks for the source squidge - I can't wait to see the "next major release" one day :)
skeezix posted on Feb 15 2006 at 01:10 PM said:
Start with Space Invaders arcade ;)

I agree here, If you have a few tech docs and a graphics library like SDL to keep things simple writing a space invaders emulator isnt too hard at all and good fun.

Certainly entertained me for a few days anyway.
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Squidge posted on Feb 15 2006 at 01:36 AM said:
[Although I do have something that taking up what little spare time I have at the moment, and it's nothing to do with the GP2X or Gizmondo... See my website]
Damn, that's cool as hell! Is it just something you're fucking around with for fun or are you planning on selling the end result?
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I think the end result will be too expensive to sell in quantity, so It'll just be something for myself. I find playing with electronics and logic at low level very interesting. It's amazing what you can get a few hundred thousand logic cells to do :)

Also, because it's logic rather than a processor, things don't run in a sequence. They can all run at the same time, so can be fun to debug.
So I read skeezix's article and realized I've already programmed an emulator in school. Other people that have taken a computer organization type class probably know what I'm talking about. In any case, it was a REAL simple, imaginary processor that I "emulated" but the VM theory is the same so I think I'd be able to do it. But, my goal is really jus to make FCEgp2x faster so I don't need to do all that.

I finally get my gp2x today so I'll fiddle around with the source for fcegp2x and change the libs - have it use Ryleh's minilib instead of SDL (or should I just use paeryn's libs instead?