

Jul 29, 2004
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All right i have a prblm with my smc its only 8megs :( and i dont have any money to buy a new one. As of right now i can only fit 2 games on my smc: doom 1 shareware and gpfinalwar. Now i know gpfinalwar has a bunch of maps with it and was wondering which ones i could take off my smc so i could put on gpsweeper.

Edit: sry if for got to put that in what maps can be taken off so that i can still have campagn.None i guess :P .

I know an easy way to make money to keep all those maps, and have tons of more stuff. i bought $11 worth of candy and in 2 days made $130 thats enough to get 2 128 smcs.
Um, dude, you're suggesting *dealing* so he can buy gaming gear???

I haven't read the posting guidelines fully, but that post seems on shaky grounds to me.
gaterooze posted on Aug 29 2004 at 05:34 AM said:
Um, dude, you're suggesting *dealing* so he can buy gaming gear???

I haven't read the posting guidelines fully, but that post seems on shaky grounds to me.

Anyone who can turn $11 of any drug into $130 is a genius, unless of course they are talking about pharmacueticals and have an $11 co-pay. Hell I've got a zero copay for about $750 (street value) prescription, but I need it and would never sell it. Wouldn't sell it anyway as I wouldn't want to go to jail over $750

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Zool posted on Aug 29 2004 at 03:10 AM said:
I know an easy way to make money to keep all those maps, and have tons of more stuff. i bought $11 worth of candy and in 2 days made $130 thats enough to get 2 128 smcs.

I am dying to know how you turned $11 worth of anything to $130. Say you bought a bag of dope for 10 and needle for 1 (there is your 11). No matter how good the stuff is, you'll never be able to cut to 13 bags. So, like I said in another post, unless it's from the pharmacy, you ain't making $130 out of $11

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dr_other posted on Aug 29 2004 at 12:15 PM said:
Whoa, that guy found a perfect thread jack. The impossible drug deal.

Maybe he's really talking about candy? Like buy some in bulk from the store, then go sell it to a bunch of little kids with an allowance or something?
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