White Demon
Sandy Wich's Boy
Thraka posted on Mar 31 2005 at 04:08 AM said:Sure, I understandI support the RTFM theory. But, instead of flaming and having an admin say "this has been discussed before *LOCKED*", they should put their efforts into make the forum a better place. Like perhaps if noone replys having the ADMIN (who should be trying to make the forum a better place) say:
This topic has been discuessed before. I'm going to lock this topic to keep the down the amount of threads on this topic. If you check the FAQ, it answers a lot of these questions:
The search functionallity of the forum also serves this purpose, here are a few threads that I got from the search functionallity that discuss this:
Thank You,
Forum Admin
That's all I'm trying to get accross. Just that the people who are here regularly should be trying to put forth effort into making the place the best forum for GP32 discussions, by NOT flaming. Those people should know better and should be trying to help people out, not yelling at them to SEARCH, or making fun of their speling..
Great idea sure, but since when has it been the moderator's job to search for threads that have been discussed before? THAT'S WHY THE SEARCH IS THERE FOR EVERYONE TO USE. Maybe flaming just saying 'use the search ***head' or similar to all noobs is not good, just say it nicely, along the lines of 'this topic has been discussed before, please use the search function to find similar threads'.
Thraka posted on Mar 31 2005 at 08:58 AM said:bourbon posted on Mar 30 2005 at 03:53 PM said:instead of making a new bios (impossable) couldnt some one code a program that spoofs the gp32 in to thinking that a 512 sd card is multiple 128 smc card or some thing along that line? just thought of the idea. dont flame me lol.
Yeah that was the idea with the "Virtual" SMC's. So maybe you have to use custom firmware that has a shortcircut of holding the SELECT button down on startup. From there you can choose normal SMC mode or Virtual SMC mode.
In virtual mode it's looking for a particular file structure on the SMC (Or SD), it would be as follows:
This would read the directories as 4 Virtual SMC's each of 128meg in size. Lets say you're using a regular SMC of 128meg but you still want to use it in Virtual Mode:
So really you can have an adapter that takes ANY type of ramdisk and use it as an SMC of max 128meg of memory. Then you can seperate your roms and types of games into pages. Perhaps even go the length of looking for a text file in the Virtual SMC's directory named "name.txt" that has a string to use as the text of the menu:
|----1x128 (name.txt = "NES \ SNES")
|----2x128 (name.txt = "Retail Games")
|----3x128 (name.txt = "HomeBrew Games")
\----4x128 (name.txt = "Genesis")
This would seem like a good idea, but even if the GP32 could do it, it is most likely impraticable. Since not only would you need the GP32 bios that could do it, but you would also need a companion program for Windows (and Linux and Mac users would want one to, can't leave them out) that would be able to see these virtual 'pages' and switch between them, since if you just put the card into a card reader the computer would only see the first 'page' (the first 128MB of the card), or maybe not even see anything at all if these virtual pages cause a non FAT (FAT12, whatyever it is) standard format.
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