What My Speed Is My Gp32?

  • Thread starter Thread starter hughes051
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OK... I have a gp32 flu and i am not sure what speed it can go up to I know they start at 133 kmz but is there a benchmark or an overclock program/util to test the gp32 to see how fast it can go i know there are 166kmz version but not to sure how fast my flu is or its overcloack ability also on my gp32 the start up only shows links ie file manager link mode tools an options is there a program were i can make the gp32 more atractive to look at. I know of the wind-ups but not taken a look yet and I am unsure and not to sure about the lunchers and I have been advise not to update the gp32 bios? as it can damage it as I do not know how to do this is there an easyer way

any advise

look around in the GP32x File Archive, theres a tool that tests your CPU... Mine can get to 254mhz :D
For the clock tester. Although just because a machine clocks at say 166Mhz in the tester doesn't always mean that it can run an emulator at the same speed. Sometimes you have to go for the next setting down or the emu freezes.

There's lots of info on flashing the firmware on the faq forums but read up on as much info as you can before you take the plunge so you won't make a mistake.

I recommend GPBios: http://www.gpbios.tk/ Which is the firmware you flash to your GP. Then you can try out any firmware you like just by renaming it to boot.exe and putting it on your smc.
254! is that a non-lit one. From what i remember they overclock more? Mine should turn up tomorrow. Getting excited at the thought of super star soldier via gpengine and the megadrive emu :D
Just try it with DrMD, instead of using that benchmark thing.

My unlit GP32 runs at 256mhz, quite nicely... but I haven't tried it longer that 20 minutes so far.
Speed increase compared to 166 is quite big with DrMD, other programs like quake or opensnes (at 200mhz) don't benefit from it that much.
Julius posted on Mar 22 2005 at 05:21 PM said:
Just try it with DrMD, instead of using that benchmark thing.

My unlit GP32 runs at 256mhz, quite nicely... but I haven't tried it longer that 20 minutes so far.
Speed increase compared to 166 is quite big with DrMD, other programs like quake or opensnes (at 200mhz) don't benefit from it that much.

my non lit runs 156 only - my flu gets 170+ but only 166 in drmd ;-)
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There should be a tester that gives the real world speed. I think Doom, and the SNES emu were pretty accurate tester.