Smartq V7 Vs Pandora

The chances of a 3D driver being written for the Smart Q7 (the first one): zero.

For the second one: Possible, but highly unlikely.
torpor said:
how long has it been that you've had a computing experience where everything - I mean everything - you needed to write software for the sexy hardware, was installed *on the sexy hardware*. So, so great. I loved that, and it made me very happy to be honest.
The Pandora may not ship with the build tools pre-installed, but you can definitely install them yourself. I've compiled quite a few things on my BeagleBoard. It's slower than from my desktop, but sometimes it's better to compile directly for small things you just want to test quickly.
I wouldn't recommend rebuilding the kernel on it though. Nor the Touchbook, or any other OMAP based device. You'll be sitting for quite a while :P
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is this post about the Q7 or V7 ?

i've just bought a V7 - primarily to use as an ebook reader - but i'm not too hopefull now following craigix's QC thoughts...bugger.

on the plus side (when it gets here and if it works) the V7 does boot ubuntu, win ce and android.

i'd never thought of it as a pandora replacement. i'm thinking of it more as a potential disaster :)
I must admit, lol'd a bit :D
-SmartQ v7 is ARM11(slightly faster than the old Nokia N800 == slow as molasses compared to Pandora)
-same resolution as Pandora, so not more screen real estate.

If you have eyes of a mole and patience of a monk, go for it :D

Not directed at the poster above me, just meant in general ;)
borgqueenx said:
SmartQ7 cons's in comparision to pandora:
-The pre-installed OS.(opinion, but i think alot more people agree with me)
It comes with 3 OS pre-installed; Ubuntu, Android & WinCE. If it behaves like the Q7, flashing a new OS is a doddle, perhaps easier than the Pandora? The talk of different window managers etc make me a little nervous being relatively new to Linux, but I'll get there with a little help :D
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I got one yesterday! IT IS TERRIBLE!
I cant think of any use for it!
Its disgusting for an internet tablet, too slow to read a page, can't scroll properly.
TERRIBLE! I got it as a replacement for my iPhone when I'm working in the garage on my bikes for PDF manuals etc (iphone's screen is too small and I hate grease on my screen).

Its so hard to even change the OS to Mer or Android.. ITS TERRIBLE!

The OS is not even fully translated to English.
Considering its speed (667mhz) it should be better, its FW is 5.0..
I hope that the Pandora is better! That is my biggest fear since yesterday.. If the pandora turns out anything like this POS SmartQ... I'll have to fix it with my Sledge Hammer!


The SmartQ uses an older ARM incarnation. Buying something with an ARM11 these days(Tegra excluded, if you want the graphics performance) is not advisable.

Especially missing L2 cache kills it.
Gruso said:


Well, Yes.. That is true!
BUT! It actually cost me (in form of a swap/trade) a hiptop (never used, got it free) and MY GP2X with Breakout/Dev BOARD!!

Oh well.. Can't win them all!
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kingoddball said:
<snip>..Considering its speed (667mhz) it should be better, its FW is 5.0..<snip>
Try the accelerated ver5.51 OS from here
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Well, I got a SmartQ5, but as it is basically the same as the Q7 just with a bit smaller screen, I could say something about it here.

The SD Card Slot is awful. It's nigh impossible to remove an inserted SD Card. It's about 1mm too far in the case.

My internal NAND was broken after about two months. I cannot install any new firmware. Thank god I can boot from SD Card, otherwise it would be completely useless.

The speed of that thing is slow. Really slow. It runs a minimal Ubuntu with LXPanel. FireFox is not usable, Midori slow and incompatible with some sites.
The Pandora with XFCE is way faster than the Q5 with a minimal OS.

I couldn't even get ScummVM to work in fullscreen - the touchscreen was decalibrated. And in windowed mode it's no fun.

I wouldn't recommend the SmartQ.
I have a V7. (and A51)

I'm liking it. But with the early firmware you need to know a bit of linux to get beyond basic functionality. I just watched a 720P kung fu panda movie. HDMI software is a mess now, so you are restrivted to the 800x480 screen.

Anyway, just holding out until the Pandora is in supply.
mali said:
-SmartQ v7 is ARM11(slightly faster than the old Nokia N800 == slow as molasses compared to Pandora)
but it could still smack the A8 in scalar fp :P
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i have a smartqv7 and works well,and the difference to pandora is,
i buy smartqv7 now and pandora not yet
berny6969 said:
i have a smartqv7 and works well,and the difference to pandora is,
i buy smartqv7 now and pandora not yet

Yeah, though as far as I remember clicking a menu item and waiting for the program to start should need about as long as waiting until the Pandora arrives at your door *ducks* :D

Seriously, it not usable for anything else than read ebooks.
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io use to view mkv,divx files etc,
i use for streaming audio,video etc withj wifi and 3G
on ubuntu use apt sources to change the system and works for me well

if you dont use linux its more complicated but if you use linux works perfectly
and works fast when optimized the system

for ebook i use my amazon kindle2

PD , and i wait for receive my reserved pandora,but smartqv7 its other type of device
and dont compare with pandora or ipad,but i get smartqv7 for 160€ and for this price its perfect,mp4 player cost 100€ and smartv7 its best

my smartq its v7 no smartq7
Hey Ed, maybe you should check out the SmartQ V5 or V7. Sounds like you had the Q5/Q7 unit. It's got 256MB of ram now and is a lot faster. Android is now very usable on version 3 and is a pleasure to run apps and browse the net.

But still, it is just something to tie me over until the Pandora turns up, because we're all gamers here, and V5/V7 is certainly not a gamers unit. (Yay, I can play iPhone type games without the multitouch) :P

Playing 8GB 1080P movies my USB HDD is epic. :) ... until you start thinking about what the point is.
torpor said:
I have a Smart Q7. Its rubbish. Terrible build quality and disastrous OS. Next.
SmartQ is listed as a selectable device on the Angstrom rootfs builder so torpor could probably replace the "disastrous OS" if he wanted ;)
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