Another Pandora Ripoff? [Pandora Vs Atari Portfolio]

Sorry but even in these days of millions of polys and loads o'pixel displays I still like my TG16...

I even have one of those adaptors so I can play Japanese cards on it!


Every now and then I whip it out to show the kids what real portable gaming is :-)

Ooh I fancy a quick game of bonk right now - I'm gonna nip out and buy a few boxes of AAs

(bit blurred - taken with an n900)

torpor -- the batteries on the memory cards are all shot these days too, so bloody hard to keep data on the thing; should really make up a CF adapter or something, but that'd be Wrong :)

<geek>I'm having a data transfer pain-month actually .. even for 'not too old' stuff, like pics from before y2k; we had one of those original era digital cameras (sub-1MP but costing thousands) at work and I used it for a bunch of goofy pics; files were in kdc (kodak raw) format, and Crom help me to find a way of reading those .. and thats what, 10-15 years old. With all my recently built new shelving and unearthing many of my 'sitting in boxes since move' machines I've got all kinds of retro-awesome going on .. but communicating with old machines is hell. Got my Atari TT030 up (might even install a mini Gentoo on it .. can you imagine?!) but the floppy drive is gone sour; I can yank the drive and mount it somehow and probably copy some files over that way (such as a terminal so I can do zmodem over null modem, or kermit, or write my own), but might have to order an ethernet cartridge for it .. but got a SD card reader coming for it in the post which will make life easier. I actually got ssh/slogin working on one of my STs (RAM is too tight for that stuff, I tell ya) and doing scp over SL/IP over nullmodem to a VM is just .. .. but hey, I did find my Portfolio parallel interface, so I'm good on that front.</geek>

DaveC -- I'm pretty tied up the last few months; I coudl do a bsaic recompile of Handy, maybe do a few tweaks; I could add vsync if its desparately needed, maybe use hw scaling if stevem is using sw scaling.. coudl speed things up a touch.

What ever happened to stevem anyway? Wait, his profile says he's active today :) Someone get stevem onto handy again ;)

Gruntfuggly said:
I fitted an afterburner kit to my GBA - it was pretty awesome till the GBA got dropped and killed the display... :(

I still play my Lynx - great machine. Wouldn't dream of running it on batteries though...

I'm really hoping somebody takes up Lynx emulation on the P.

I did the afterburner mod to my GBA - very very happy with it. A couple of months later I picked up a TV-Out mod for it as well, I modded that baby to hell! Now, it sits in my loft gathering dust - I bought an SP for peanuts, now my kid plays with that whilst I play on the DS (I let him play on it too but not as much since he destroyed the top LCD, grrrr that was a pain to fix!)
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I loved my sp, it was perfect for waiting in lines at Cedar Point (world's greatest amusement park). It was small enough and sturdy enough to feel safe in my front jeans pocket even while doing 90 on the millennium force (kick ass coaster) and the screen sucked by todays standard but is still easier to see in direct sunlight than most of today's portable devices, even the pandora imho. I don't think I could bring myself to take my pandora on some of those coasters, if I go this summer I might just bust out the old sp for some Golden Sun action while I'm waiting literally 2+ hours for the top thrill dragster (another kick ass coaster). :) So yea it's old but it still has it's uses in my book.
Defo said:
Esn said:
Neat video.

I wonder if it's possible to receive TV signals on the Pandora via some USB add-on. (I guess it's ATSC these days?)

Mcobit already did it on the other boards.
That is neat. I added it to the wiki tutorials page (if anyone else sees anything interesting that's not on there, please add it!).

Though it does seem really complicated to me (also, North America uses ATSC, while Europe uses DVB TV). It does stutter a bit, but perhaps this will improve later, since I think video processing on the Pandora is still done all in software. Also, someone in that thread mentions that it might run better with Me-TV than with VLC, but there's no follow-up info.

It would be awesome if there was a pnd-ed program that simplified all of those steps for the non-tech-savvy Pandora user... :)
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spinghed said:
Sorry but even in these days of millions of polys and loads o'pixel displays I still like my TG16...

I even have one of those adaptors so I can play Japanese cards on it!


Every now and then I whip it out to show the kids what real portable gaming is :-)

Ooh I fancy a quick game of bonk right now - I'm gonna nip out and buy a few boxes of AAs

(bit blurred - taken with an n900)

Do you have a Wiz or GP2X? If not you may want to pick one up if for nothing else TG-16 emulation. Exophase kind of makes the Turbo express obsolete. I know they say emulation is not the same or whatever but in this case I think it is better. You can't have your whole game collection plus CD games all on a Turbo Express but you can on a Wiz or GP2X. The screen is better and the battery life much longer to boot.
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While for home systems like say a vectrex its much better to have the real thing over an emu I'd agree that the old handheld are actually improved by playing on emulators since the hardware often had many faults especially battery life and size. There were some great games on the old handhelds (of course a lot of crap too) but having to deal with the hardware is just annoying so being able to enjoy the games on better hardware is the best way to go.

Its great being able to play game boy, game boy advance, atari lynx, neo geo pocket, game gear, and wonderswan games on the go and on the same handheld device without having to switch carts or anything. Whether its pandora or dingoo or gp2x they all (afaik) enable us to do this which lets these systems live on in a better way.
DaveC said:
Do you have a Wiz or GP2X? If not you may want to pick one up if for nothing else TG-16 emulation. Exophase kind of makes the Turbo express obsolete. I know they say emulation is not the same or whatever but in this case I think it is better. You can't have your whole game collection plus CD games all on a Turbo Express but you can on a Wiz or GP2X. The screen is better and the battery life much longer to boot.

I have a GP2X (and a Gp32x - been here a while) and yes I'll admit that emulation can be a better overall experience than the original and the fact that having all the games in one easily accessible place is cool

- I still like the idea that the original hardware is out there, and the chips haven't been left to turn back into sand.

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