Slow WiFi & Nub Problem

the .pnd for fixing the mount issue didnt seem to work. tried to change cpu speed while firefox and got the error again.
and firefox just shut down for no reason....any sorts of tests i can do to see whats the real isssue, if there is one
How would I go about a swap partition ? WiFi issue is really driving me insane >_>

edit wifi issue is driving me very insane, only getting 40kbs right now downloading a .pnd currently trying chromium dev. seems more stable but a few times it has randomly closed like firefox did but it seems less often...believe i installed notazs new driver but it didnt seem to do anything for my issues.... really hope i can get this all sorted out!
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ughzorz. tried to post again and chromium crashed, could something be wrong with my cpu or ram? is there any way to run a test on them...
wifi is still a headache but here is the dmesg. cant do the other one as all the log files were gone after i restarted, just graduated college which is why i took a bit to respond


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When you say main wifi problem, do you mean my main wifi problem, or a problem that is common among most Pandoras. Also I don't think toggling it will help me as I normally turn it off and on frequently :/
sigh. this is just sad.... downloading from the repo at 15kb/s .... nubs are also bugging me but they seem fine on the input tester...
sigh. this is just sad.... downloading from the repo at 15kb/s .... nubs are also bugging me but they seem fine on the input tester...

I just received the delivery of a new Linksys AE1000 today. I strongly recommend it. Even if you could get the built-in wifi working as well as some people have been reporting - which seems to be very much dependent on the wireless access point in a way that no one knows yet - you'll still get superior performance from the AE1000 anyway. The only real downside seems to be increased battery drain while using it. It's a little larger than I would want it to be, but as it turns out, because it's tucked behind the screen, I don't notice it at all. It even fits in the Pandora carrying case, if you got one of those. I have similar wifi performance that you have from the built-in wifi, and with the AE1000, the Pandora feels like a different machine. In addition to the exponential increase in wifi speed, I can now reliably get on the local Starbucks free wifi network; the built-in wifi couldn't find the network (which is admittedly pretty crap in general anyway).

Once I downloaded the pnd from the repo and installed the driver, the AE1000 is plug and play; I've been able to remove it and plug it in repeatedly without restarting the Pandora, and it works perfectly and automatically connects every time. I got mine from an EBay dealer with a high rating, and it arrived in 2 days.

In the meantime, you might want to just download all your Pandora apps to a computer and move the files over via USB. And I hope you can get your nubs working.
I have been downloading on my PC and sending files to the Pandora, but it sort of defeats the purpose of having a pocketable computer...I am going to order that USB wifi and see if that solves my streaming problems. If not, my just return or RMA, and is there anything I can try to test out the nub issue?
I have been downloading on my PC and sending files to the Pandora, but it sort of defeats the purpose of having a pocketable computer...I am going to order that USB wifi and see if that solves my streaming problems. If not, my just return or RMA, and is there anything I can try to test out the nub issue?

Actually, the Pandora with the AE1000 seems to be losing network connection intermittently. It is mostly a problem on my home network with WPA2 security enabled; it randomly disconnects and asks for the password again but can't always reconnect. Hopefully this will improve in the future. When it is connected, the connection is really fast though.
got the USB dongle today, and so far, can't get it to work at all. Have tried the above steps (I do not get an automatic connection though), have tried resetting, uninstalling and re-installing. It either fails to connect entirely or it connects, but then there is no internet connection upon opening a browser. WHY

And yes I have installed the .pnd driver

Chromium dev says unable to resolve DNS
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here is the dmesg, attached terminal output at the end of the demsg...thanks for the help everyone i hope this can get settled soon.


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you seem to have gotten an ip from the router


can't create /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases: No such file or directory

bound to -- renewal in 41139 seconds

i suspect you have wrong router settings, like MAC Filtering , that could be affecting internal wifi as well

Nope nothing like that at all, and it works with the internal wifi. And the wifi disconnected right after i ran that so it is something else going on :/

Later tonight I will try to make a video showing what I am doing and all the wonderful problems I am encountering.
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Nope nothing like that at all, and it works with the internal wifi. And the wifi disconnected right after i ran that so it is something else going on :/

Did you toggle off the internal wifi before plugging in the AE1000?

You could try following these eariler suggestions that Alerino gave me earlier:

1)toggle internal wifi off (from menu)

2)sudo killall NetworkManager (from terminal)

3)plug linksys usb

4)sudo NetworkManager (wait for automatic connection)
Sorry for disappearing, have been on vacation and doing my best not to be on my Pandora all the time. I have tried the above steps to no avail. I will be able to pay more attention to this thread in a day. Would it be a worthwhile idea to go through all the hotfixes to see if any of them have a better WiFi driver?