Skin Problem


Sep 23, 2005
NW Detroit, MI
Okay, I've tried on my own, I've posted in the forums, I've posted in the GPH message boards... nothing!

Here's the deal - if any of you have downloaded my MacOS9 skin you've noticed that the text is black on a light grey screen EXCEPT for the stupid screen to select folders/files for the video player. WTF? It works in the skin maker but no matter what, I get white text. Does anyone have any suggestions? My skin is 99% okay but that one thing is bugging me to no end!

I'd appreciate any ideas... or sympathy, but mostly ideas. Thanks,
This is my default answer to all skin issues:

Get GMenu2X ... it's superior functionality far exceeds any fancy skin, even with those really cool looking transition effects in the latest FW ... and it's more easily 'skinable'.
Agreed. Get Gmenu2x, you won't regret it!

On a side note, I managed to misinterpret the sort of skin you were referring to on seeing this thread on the front page. My first thought was "surely this isn't the place for such things!" lol
I use, and skin, Gmenu2x but I update my MacOS9 skin with every firmware just to be thorough (anal) and this one little thing is bugging me like crazy. I'll let it go, eventually.

On a related note... my topic title was poorly chosen, to say the least. :) I do most of my forum posts before 5:30 in the morning and I'm not at my best or brightest.