Skin Problem With Firmware 2.1.2


Still Fresh
Oct 28, 2007

I'm a new GP2X user.

For SDHC support I've upgraded to firmware 2.1.2 on my GP2X.

Then I wished to try a few skins other than the default one. The installation guides on internet say:

1. copy .gps files in folder "skin" under NAND
2. the skin options should appear under Setting->System

Unfortunately this doesnot happen. I try different folder names like skin, skins, Skin, Skins, just to be sure. I copy them under NAND besides vektar and License folders. But couldnot succeed to get the skin options in system menu.

Any opinions about how to solve this problem?

Thanks for any help in advance.
The correct folder is "skin".
What was your firmware before the 2.1.2?
If the skin option doesn't appear in System menu, then the upgrade hasn't been complete/correct.
Mr 2X said:
The correct folder is "skin".
What was your firmware before the 2.1.2?
If the skin option doesn't appear in System menu, then the upgrade hasn't been complete/correct.
I'm not sure, but I guess I first installed 2.0.0 then 2.1.1 and finally 2.1.2. I took the instructions from

If this is not the correct order, or there should already be skin options under system menu no matter I create a skin folder under NAND or not, please tell me, so I can try it again.
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I'ld do this:

- downgrade to FW 2.1.0,0,0,0,42,1871 (the usual procedure pushing SELECT+START).
If skin option doesn't appear again and/or in Settings/Info there isn't the correct number version (2.1.0), then run "gp2xupdate.gpu" by Utility section. At this point, everything should be ok;
- (re)upgrade to FW 2.1.1 and then 2.1.2.

Don't forget to use full rechargeable batteries every time.
Mr 2X said:
Hmmm... after my skin for H........ , I could modify Monty Python skin for actual FW :P
so can all the early skins be made to work on firmware 2.1.2,,,there dosent seam to be many skins being made anymore..was looking forward to a lazrs (( startrek ))skin , but it seams to have been killed in action :(
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