Added a legend for the picture so you know it's not just random little doodles, there is method to my madness.
Yes, definitely a more traditional RTS, which I would love to see. Playstyles which are meant for mice scare me on the GP2X, however. I've tried Populus and Dune on the Genesis on my GP2X. We'd have to do some thinking to get it right - pushing a cursor around to do everything isn't fun.
Perhaps a scheme where the general theme I came up with was used to control selection and movement for your RTS? As in, make it easy to select troops and move them, not necessarily use a grid system.
Maybe I can get some kind of development platform set up this weekend and actually DO something.
(Winterkid, you really need to use the PNG format instead of JPG, it makes the images blurry and a little dirty, which makes re-using them difficult)
I have an idea for a control sceme, but bare with me on this, it's a little non-traditional :lol:
I'm using this as a really quick example, so you can understand how it works.
Now becomes this control scheme;
This box can be moved on the map, whatever is in it will be selected with a button press - L + R can increase or decrease the size of the box, and the units must always be visible under it, either as a transparent or semi-transparent box.
Option 1; Make it freeform, the box can be moved anywhere
Option 2; Make it magnetic to the centre of the screen, making it quicker to select units then move them further distances
This will be much much faster than using a mouse, and not only that, it can actually look less intrusive to the design if done right - my example isn't the best, but done right it could easily seem natural and instinctive to use. Of course, a circle might better than a box, but it's just an example
You can even include information in the box, like a health percentage of your units and the enemy units inside it, or overall value of the resources it's hovering over - intel and simple unit selection all on one screen.
I'm a bit against using button schemes or anything like that when we have much simpler and natural solutions available to use - coupled with -/+ being mapped to selecting seperate unit types - all your troops, all your tanks, etc, I imagine it'd be pretty damn easy to control