Rts Game


Jan 2, 2007
North Carolina, USA
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First of all, yes I know this has been talked about before, but nobody has ever done anything about it. But somebody needs to make a RTS game for the gp2x. You know, something like starcraft, warcraft, age of empires, command and conquer, or anything similar to those games. Stratagus is open-source, maybe that could be ported. I just really want to be able to play one of those games, or a similar one, on the go. Somebody definately needs to port one of them, or make an interpreter, or something. Please devs, do this.
Destructo2000 said:
First of all, yes I know this has been talked about before, but nobody has ever done anything about it. But somebody needs to make a RTS game for the gp2x. You know, something like starcraft, warcraft, age of empires, command and conquer, or anything similar to those games. Stratagus is open-source, maybe that could be ported. I just really want to be able to play one of those games, or a similar one, on the go. Somebody definately needs to port one of them, or make an interpreter, or something. Please devs, do this.
I think you can run a mod cultivation classic engine, but with updated graphics and tile sets and weapons so it looks like command and conquer.
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Destructo2000 said:
First of all, yes I know this has been talked about before, but nobody has ever done anything about it. But somebody needs to make a RTS game for the gp2x. You know, something like starcraft, warcraft, age of empires, command and conquer, or anything similar to those games. Stratagus is open-source, maybe that could be ported. I just really want to be able to play one of those games, or a similar one, on the go. Somebody definately needs to port one of them, or make an interpreter, or something. Please devs, do this.
i agree we need some proper rts games

Ravnos said:
If you don't mind dropping a few bucks, you could always grab Retrovirus RTS. I'm not really into RTSes myself, but it seemed ok to me. There's a demo in the archive if you want to try before you buy.

iv been meaning to try this game for a while but never get round to it, iv not heard great things about it.
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Anyone have any idea what happened to the 'Simple RTS' (possibly renamed to Platoons or something similar) project that was being discussed ages ago? People seemed pretty determined to make it happen, but then it disappeared.. :(
Destructo2000 said:
Yeah, I tried Retrovirus RTS but for whatever reason it wouldn't run on my gp2x. :(
it's a python app, make sure you have the python stuff installed in the proper place.
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I love to play popolus! that was a nice game. But be sure to get the snes version, it has the best gfx in my opinion (maybe apart from the amiga version but I didn't bother to fire up uae to compare yet)... though it might not be what is considered a classic rts game (sorta like dune or c&c) it is real time and really fun.
Right, first post on the boards, money where my mouth is.

ANYONE that can get command and conquer running on my GP2X, fullspeed, no glitches, gets a £30 donation (paypal) from me. Im DESPERATE to play this and will gladly hand over the value of a full-priced game for the priveledge!

The rules, I play before I pay, so I know you're not messing me around!
Saves or savestates included and reliable :-p
I want to choose between GDI and NOD!

The rest, we'll sort out if I get a taker!

source code (i think) is available at http://freecnc.org, as well as other helpful dev stuff.

I understand you require files from an original copy of the game, that fine with me. Dont wanna be breaching copyrights!

I dont think posting this is against policy, if it is, well, delete it and i promise I'll be good. :-)
leggymcjeggy said:
Right, first post on the boards, money where my mouth is.

ANYONE that can get command and conquer running on my GP2X, fullspeed, no glitches, gets a £30 donation (paypal) from me. Im DESPERATE to play this and will gladly hand over the value of a full-priced game for the priveledge!

The rules, I play before I pay, so I know you're not messing me around!
Saves or savestates included and reliable :-p
I want to choose between GDI and NOD!

The rest, we'll sort out if I get a taker!

source code (i think) is available at http://freecnc.org, as well as other helpful dev stuff.

I understand you require files from an original copy of the game, that fine with me. Dont wanna be breaching copyrights!

I dont think posting this is against policy, if it is, well, delete it and i promise I'll be good. :-)

Group: Pergatory

:lol: :lol:
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Well, Dune II plays flawlessly on both DrMD and Picodrive, and it's a version with console-friendly controls.

Telcolou: methinks it's because of the chap's name, the filter must've picked the leggy part :lol:
As regards Simple RTS, it drifted apart as so many projects tend to do. I have contact with Vynx still, but our programmer, Wite_Noiz, is nowhere to be found. Vynx is the Big Brains in the project, so I can't speak on his behalf, but if a new programmer came on board, I'd be more than happy to keep making graphics and helping out with ideas for it.
k3nn said:
Anyone have any idea what happened to the 'Simple RTS' (possibly renamed to Platoons or something similar) project that was being discussed ages ago? People seemed pretty determined to make it happen, but then it disappeared.. :(
I'm not surprised it's on the backburner ... RTSes are one of the harder genres to program. :ph34r: BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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I'm not surprised it's on the backburner ... RTSes are one of the harder genres to program. :ph34r: BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Really? I have never programmed a game before but this surprises me. Is it the AI? The path finding? Just curious.
I guess the pathfinding routines and the AI are quite difficult to get right but I would imagine the balancing of the game to be the hardest part. And also you need to keep track of so many things at once. production, micromanagement, npcs...
I wonder if someone wrote a design document with all the number crunching to keep it balanced done, it'd help the cause. In the mean time, I'll continue dreaming of Stratagus magically appearing on the GP2X :D