Simple Questions

I'm just here for 5 mins as I'm trying to finish flashing 50 units before 8am.

There is more to do than just build units, gluing dpads on keymats, adding tape to lcd cables, fixing up the returned units, testing parts before we use them.

All these actions speed up the core building and mean far fewer units fail.

There is no black and white answer. It's a constant steady improvement.

Not too sure if I used the term passive aggressive right, but your questions + your conclusion to me are aimed at discrediting the premium sales.

You ask questions which are about the construction of the units with in regards to speed and if cc can supply enough to construct. All that adds up to me is that the premium sales in your mind don't work and are bad especially taking in context of your opening post's concluding line:

"The Money raised from the Firs Premium 7 Day Pandora sale was used to hire more People, how many people where hired now?

The Money from this second Premium 7 Day Pandora sale, what will it be used for?"

You are asking OPT to re-justify their stance on the prem sales and worst you are doing it with loaded questions. Not even going to take into account of your previous posts as you asked for us not to.

IMHO rather then just going on a rant of how much you hate prem sales, you going about it this way, which is why I thought it was passive aggressive. An fist covered with a velvet glove, which irritates me to no end.
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Exactly because not everything is Black and White in this Project - its so hard to keep track of whats really going on. Thats the reason I ask the Questions I do.

And as you can see most of the answers that I got are not Black and White - are you seeing me complaining about that? - NO because I'm absolute aware that its very difficult to give a Answer that captures the actual Scenario.

And If you get the Feeling that I'm tying to raise passive or offensive aggressions here your totally wrong.

If you have that feeling you should my ask your self how is aggressive here... I think you have a good portion of aggression against me... And if there is a way to change that Please tell me.

Because all I what is to talk constructive together here and try to understand whats going on.

Having this said lest see If I did get your Statements right:

CC mas produce more than they currently are if OPT tell them to with of course some money involved
So its a Money Question on how fast the CC will produce and ship more Bord's?

The could ship faster bet the OPT will have to tell them to do so and give the additional Money?

the 7day orders are being shipped out within 7 days, many within 2 days, and thats a big success for pandora
Cool to hear that the Premium Customers (that will be regular Customers as soon as the Que-Line is worked down) can and will be able to order there Pandora and receive it in a reasonable Time - just like you would expect from any Normal Order that you make.

But even After reading the Threat that Evil Dragon pointed out("My unit has been shipped"-thread.), I still cant see that Normal Orders that are waiting in the Que-Line are getting there Pandora's faster now.

Thats why I asked if the Normal Que Line is moving faster now, before I make wrong conclusions here again.

Wait A minute I jsut saw that there has been some Posts made since I started to Write this Post... So hold On I may will correct some things here...
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@ OldJim: Everything is working as planned and explained by Craigix. They got more boards last week and this week, than before and there has been an increase in production. I don't have an exact number, but 300 boards were to arrive there yesterday or today. Last week was good, but not as good as it could have been because Craigix was sick and has stated he thinks they can do better this week at full strength. I'm not sure if there will be a second shipment this week, or an equal, or larger shipment next week but CC is definitely producing a good number of units. If OPT feels they can assemble, flash, and ship, more than what they are getting now, I'm sure they will ask for more boards.

The best way to keep an eye on how many are shipping is to look at this thread. Although not everyone that gets a Pandora posts on these boards I have noticed an increase in people posting that they have gotten their Pandoras or their Pandoras are being shipped. This is both pre-orders and instants. If you follow that thread you'll see that new people are getting the units...

When you ask for a definitive answer it can be defined as aggressive. Not in the traditional sense, but "passive aggressive" which is basically being insistent for answers but in a calm way. I understand you want answers, but every post cannot just be a list of questions because that comes off as a bit "passive aggressive".

I hope I've been helpful to you.
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Ok Now that I read the Post made while I was writting my Last one here some additions:


Thanx a lof for these explaining Word. The help to understand whats going on. And I really appreciate you taking the Time to answer.


Everything is working as planned and explained by Craigix. They got more boards last week and this week, than before and there has been an increase in production. I don't have an exact number, but 300 boards were to arrive there yesterday or today. Last week was good, but not as good as it could have been because Craigix was sick and has stated he thinks they can do better this week at full strength. I'm not sure if there will be a second shipment this week, or an equal, or larger shipment next week but CC is definitely producing a good number of units. If OPT feels they can assemble, flash, and ship, more than what they are getting now, I'm sure they will ask for more boards.
Thanx a lot this is the kind of Answer I was looking for.

When you ask for a definitive answer it can be defined as aggressive. Not in the traditional sense, but "passive aggressive" which is basically being insistent for answers but in a calm way. I understand you want answers, but every post cannot just be a list of questions because that comes off as a bit "passive aggressive".
Since I'm not complaining about not getting a definitive Black White Answer its hard for me to see how my Questions can be aggressive.

My understanding of a Forum is that you can share your knowledge/experience whit each other. But If you don't ask what you do not understand how can People help you and share whit you?

Im one of the Admins of and the First thing we say to newcomers is. ASK ASK ASK anything that you would like to know, and we will do our best to answer your Questions.

@Mahou Saru:

ou are asking OPT to re-justify their stance on the prem sales and worst you are doing it with loaded questions
They do not have to re-justify anything. Im just trying to understand whats going on. And I did get some satisfying answers so far. Thanx to everybody that did give constructive Answers :D
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@Mahou Saru:

ou are asking OPT to re-justify their stance on the prem sales and worst you are doing it with loaded questions
They do not have to re-justify anything. Im just trying to understand whats going on.

Well if that is really your goal then I apologise!


That was a prime example of a loaded statement, just one word or context changes everything.
@Mahou Saru

Yea sometimes just one word can help to see things in a totally new light.

Great to see that we start to understand each other.


So lets party on together and Enjoy this Pandora Journey.
@Mahou Saru

Yea sometimes just one word can help to see things in a totally new light.

Great to see that we start to understand each other.


So lets party on together and Enjoy this Pandora Journey.

Yah I hope you get yours soon and we can start discussing how great it is :D

Chin up!
@Mahou Saru

Yea sometimes just one word can help to see things in a totally new light.

Great to see that we start to understand each other.


So lets party on together and Enjoy this Pandora Journey.

Yah I hope you get yours soon and we can start discussing how great it is :D

Chin up!

Damn... I've really never seen a forum where people are so nice to each other.

I've expected a widescreen flame-war and allready made popcorn...

...popcorn anyone?
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I will take some Popcorn :D

Yah I hope you get yours soon and we can start discussing how great it is
Yea And If my Dream from comes Try we can also talk about game development... Great Times are coming
Damn... I've really never seen a forum where people are so nice to each other.

I've expected a widescreen flame-war and allready made popcorn...

...popcorn anyone?

I was thinking the same thing, lol. This is perhaps one of the most civil places on the internet.

And I'll definitely take you up on that popcorn.

*nom nom*