
I've found a compromise, for those of you that need labelling more than anything you've ever needed before:

Yours for a tenner


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shunun said:
I can't believe you lot are still going on about the god damn silkscreening. Get over it! If you want it then cancel your order and wait.

Surely you can understand a few lights, simple controls, inputs/outputs..
Wow I can't believe that people are still going on, about the people who would've liked silk screening.
Without understanding it's not about being able to understand the inputs or not.
Get over it, what's so god damn hard to understand!
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Na-Noo said:
Wow I can't believe that people are still going on, about the people who would've liked silk screening.
Without understanding it's not about being able to understand the inputs or not.
Get over it, what's so god damn hard to understand!

couldn't the same be said for those that want it, when it's not going to be there?

Seeing how there is a bajillion threads about/complaining about it

... ya know... just sayin
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jb0yx said:
Na-Noo said:
Wow I can't believe that people are still going on, about the people who would've liked silk screening.
Without understanding it's not about being able to understand the inputs or not.
Get over it, what's so god damn hard to understand!

couldn't the same be said for those that want it, when it's not going to be there?

Seeing how there is a bajillion threads about/complaining about it

... ya know... just sayin
Think you missed my point, that part you highlighted is pretty much exactly what he wrote. I'm just turning it the other way around.
All I'm saying is, that there's two sides, and b|tching about one isn't helpful, especially when your misrepresenting what most of the other sides views are.

There's bajillion threads about/saying how great it is not having silkscreen also :lol:

... ya know... I was just sayin
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Sugar_Kane said:
Prometheus said:
Sugar_Kane said:
Yours for a tenner
I can beat that! Yours for 89p. :P

Holy Christmas, and it talks!
Has this been PM'ed to Craig yet?
Cheap enough to through in the box (from the saving of not having to pay Texas to assemble them)
This way everyone is happy, and it talks too!
Wonder if it can do the usb logo's etc :lol:
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Na-Noo said:
Think you missed my point, that part you highlighted is pretty much exactly what he wrote. I'm just turning it the other way around.
All I'm saying is, that there's two sides, and b|tching about one isn't helpful, especially when your misrepresenting what most of the other sides views are.

There's bajillion threads about/saying how great it is not having silkscreen also :lol:

... ya know... I was just sayin
I see your point... and raise you an "i don't care". Moot to complain about something that's not going to happen regardless if you want it or not, further pointless is the reasons on why you agree or disagree with the decision that was made. I also see the irony in complaining about the complaining being equally as pointless, but the amount of stupidity over this one is getting a bit excessive.

The same thing happens with pretty much any item that strays from what the majority agreed to as being the norm... maybe everyone just needs to shut the hell up about this. That's my suggestion.

pretty sneaky there with your rebuttal that tries to use the same general theme of the person you're quoting... almost using their words against them in addition to being the devil's advocate... you've done it twice so far in this tldr thread... you're a witty one I can tell :rollseyes:
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Pointless arguing about pointless arguing is pointless arguing about pointless arguing. Pointless.
mali said:
Pointless arguing about pointless arguing is pointless arguing about pointless arguing. Pointless.
Agreed ! :lol:
That's what happens with slow news days. Gives us something to talk about, well did. ;)
When this happens, we need another vid!
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^ Some stuff in sigs is indeed dispensable. For the folks with disabled sig view:
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Sphinxter said:
mali said:
*points at link in sig* :)

Who reads this with sig display turned on? Have you seen some of the crap people put there? can disable sigs?


You can disable sigs! :o :o :o

*disables sigs*

:D :D :D

This is the feeling that I expect to get when my Pandora arrives!
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Theoretically, couldn't OP just make some stickers we could apply ourselves?
cbox said:
Theoretically, couldn't OP just make some stickers we could apply ourselves?
They could, but I don't think they'd be as aesthetically pleasing as the silk screening. Considering that aesthetics is one of the main reasons for wanting the silk screening, it would very much defeat the purpose.
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