Signature Request

What you mean like a signature banner, essentially advertising the Pandora by showing the URL's of Pandora sites?

I could do one, if you let me know the dimensions you need it to be.

[some forums have limits I think on signature banner sizes]

If not sure, I could just use someone here's banner and copy the size from that...
That would be awesom if you could do this. :)

Yeah I mean a Banner.

The Size doesn't matter but this would be the best:


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@FZERO oh sorry i've done a mistake. It doesn't work. The maximum size is 530*200 Pixel and 2 MB.

    I dont want to go on your nerves but can you make it smaller please. Its my fault.
No worries


That one is 530*133

So should be ok as the height is less than the max of 200

File size is <2MB at 102kb
Thinner text on links and another little logo in center.. same size


Is no problem mate, glad it is of use ... plus it gets word of Pandora out there more on the forums you use it on eh :)