Siege Game Idea


Coltrane Sundia
Aug 7, 2004
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A little action/puzzle game concept if anyone is looking for ideas:

Essentially, you control a man/woman in a single-screen house (top-down view) which is under siege by zombies/gangstas/aliens/Jehovas Witnesses/whatever you fancy.

The game starts calmly and you need to make preparations. You have a partner in the basement who is breaking up furniture to make wooden boards, so your pile of resources is regularly added to. First step is to board up whichever doors or windows you think fit into your defence strategy.

Then the enemies arrive. They will attack from random points around the house to try and gain entrance. If that entry point has not been boarded up, they will get in quickly. If it has been boarded, they will start breaking down the barricade (which you will need to replace if it breaks).

You have two weapons that you can switch between, a superhcarged leafblower, and an axe. The leafblower will repel enemies who are trying to get in an unguarded entry point, long enough for you to board it up (note: if you're out of boards you have to survive until your partner can create more in the basement). The axe is used when the enemy finally breaks through. You can hack them up--but if too many get inside, you will be overpowerd and EATEN (or proselytized to).

I sort've picture the game like Smash TV crossed with Rampart, where you have to strike a balance between strengthening your defences and getting hands-on with the enemy. The game will get progressively harder, with more and more enemies flooding in. There could be an infinite game mode where you try to last as long as possible, and/or a level system where you have to last, say, 5 minutes, before you go onto a harder level with different layout/enemies.

If anyone wants to use the idea, you're welcome to -- just reply here or drop me a PM.
Not actually taking this one up (yet) but another thought was that it could be enhanced a little?

I was thinking about the partner in the basement, who stacks planks up - do you have to go running downstairs to get the planks, which you then use to nail up, or could you have a whole family - mum (who can barricade and fight), Dad (who makes planks), and the kids (who can pass planks to mum, supply-train style - you need to put the kids in places they can be defended if necessary, and in places that they can effectively get new planks to you during the onslaught.

I was also thinking that interior doors could be opened and closed, locked and barricaded to control an influx of the undead. Do you leave that child to be eaten (or turn zombie) in order to protect your other three? Or can you issue the order in time to get him or her behind the barricade?

There's my ideas... Could be quite neat if someone could do it. If this were Win32, I'd snap this up in an instant, but I have no real experience with the '2X yet.

This sounds like an excellent game concept. I hope someone will really pick this up, the GP2X needs some good horror games :)

- Alex
Sounds fun, do you consider making that yourself or is it just an idea for anyone to pick up?
The idea reminds me of Pedro by Imagine, where you had to block up paths to stop ants from eating your flowers. Bloody addictive gameplay if it's done right.
hey, think we could ask the devs for the code? Maybe this can be ported to gp2x!