Shipping Date: Guessing Game

gibberish said:
lol at the 2009 estimates.
My pessimistic date, which I will not tell myself is more likely is mid-Jan, which just so happens to be two months from now so no-one would believe me anyway. I think it's on a knives edge and could fall either way.

I happen to off for the Christmas break from Dec 18th so the 17 would be ever so convenient.
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Gads, DrCJBoduma first started this thread on December 2nd, 2008!

How long until we turn into cult praying for the second coming of the Pandora?
1st Dec - B-ZaR
17th Dec - DrCJBoduma | may88 | Xmoon
18th Dec - Tensuke | borgqueenx
29th Dec - fischju2000

8th Jan - fretfrenzy182
15th Jan - RoboShmup

23rd Feb - hch

1st April - RajTakhar
20th April - Rockthesmurf

All hail the pandora cult