Shipping and order numbers


Very Active Member
Jun 17, 2005
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Yes. I'm excited. And it must be close. 650-750 for me (GBAX.COM).

Question :- Has anyone over 600 in Craig's list received their shipping email, or the actual unit?!

Maybe if you're over 550 you could also comment?

That is all. B)
It might be worth putting when you ordered, as this seems to be slightly more reliable than the queue numbers handed out.
It might be worth putting when you ordered, as this seems to be slightly more reliable than the queue numbers handed out.

Well, I received the "processed successfully" email at 18:12 BST (17:12 GMT/UTC?) on 30/09/2008.

Although, from memory, I submitted the order at least 30 mins before that.

I guess the system must have been busy - can't think why :P
Craig, Ed, and team,

I'm glad to hear that things are going well now. I'm really looking forward to receiving my unit. Cheers, and luck with the rest of the component manufacturing. Thank you for sticking in there so long and working to correct the flaws in the unit. Here's to a stellar 2011!
Thanks (and thanks to everyone saying similar things recently).

I went though a dark period of hating the Pandora before Christmas and now I love it again. Now we're out of the woods I'm really loving the device like never before.

Still too scared to send one to Clive Sinclair though...
I reaaly like the community aspect to the pandora and the pandora itself.And quite blindly support it.Keep shipping those babies out ;)
I'm far away in the 3500-3800 range but it sounds like things are progressing nicely so it shouldn't be that much longer...
3400 - 3500.... hmmm hopefully that means like a month :)
yup im in the same position roughly.for my other pandoraMy one nubber is gone back for repairs also.I think quite a few people have bought more than one pandora on these forums.pandoramania
I'm hoping to hear some relatively good news soon, in terms of the board production schedule, and who knows maybe CC will surprise you again by sending more boards than anticipated. I'm supposedly in the 2200-2300 range, but I don't know how accurate that is (Oct 2009). Nice to see some more energy on the boards, there's so much software I wish I could try out already. Good work OP.
I went though a dark period of hating the Pandora before Christmas and now I love it again. Now we're out of the woods I'm really loving the device like never before.

I've had the same thing happen to me before on projects I love. It's the worst thing... and perhaps that's why some people prefer to separate work and passion.

Hope things stay good. :)
man, 1600-1700, now the wait is harder than ever...

Big Kisses, and hail to the return of the Craigix ;)

Thank god! My dad just said he was going to get a refund on mine and use it to buy a new TV!! It's great actually knowing its on its way