Shi* Emergency Please Help

Well, like I say, I've claimed for a mobile lost in London on house insurance, and my brother likewise for an MP3 player. And I think dad did on a nice camera a few years back when it got stolen - get this - in Chester about 10 years back. House insurance is very very versatile.
Tobriand posted on May 4 2004 at 06:17 AM said:
Well, like I say, I've claimed for a mobile lost in London on house insurance, and my brother likewise for an MP3 player. And I think dad did on a nice camera a few years back when it got stolen - get this - in Chester about 10 years back. House insurance is very very versatile.
hmmmm...something tells me that is only in the uk... <_< of course, people in the US are ALWAYS trying to screw the system... :angry: which pisses me off...claiming on house insurance seems fine to me...but "slipping" in a store and expecting them to kiss your ass while handing you $500,000...THOSE are the people who should be gunned down...or have a buster sword crashed into their face...accidentally of course...
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nerd of nerds posted on May 3 2004 at 06:32 PM said:
sam fisher posted on May 3 2004 at 10:49 AM said:
My mum believes me now but my neibour doesn't!!!!!!!
I went to try and talk to him and I said

It is buggered

He says

Cool!!! :angry:

P.S. DO you think I should crash one of these on his head?
no.. i think you should crash one of THESE into his head :lol: :ph34r: does he have a gameboy? if he doesn't pay for it, piss on his gameboy...then say "1/4 of the way to being even, FUCKER!!!!"
holy shit!
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