Shell Scripting?


Still Fresh
Dec 14, 2006
Sorry if it's been asked, but I didn't spot it...
But, what commands do I get to play with in the shell on the gp2x? Can I write nice complex boot scripts with "find" commands and "touch" files I've seen already?
How do I dig around to find out?
And finally... if I did get my head around recompiling handy debian shell scripts, would people be interested?
Hi, the GP2X uses BusyBox for it's shell so you could start by looking at their web page. Next try something like this to get a list of extra available commands:

ls -l /bin > /mnt/sd/list-o-commands.txt
ls -l /sbin >> /mnt/sd/list-o-commands.txt
ls -l /usr/bin >> /mnt/sd/list-o-commands.txt
ls -l /usr/sbin >> /mnt/sd/list-o-commands.txt

# Probably more, can't think of any at the mo'!

exit 0

Looking forward to seeing your ideas!
Yup... I meant porting debian bash scripts to the gp2x.
Simple stuff really, but if you can have random or sequential backgrounds / skins / startup sounds applied at each boot, why not try it? Shame the thing doesn't have a built in clock, otherwise you could have default applications running depending on what time you turn it on.
Thanks for the info anyway! Now the Xmas madness is over I'll try and get my head round the new toy a bit more...