Black Screens..


May 8, 2005
I've seen several people complaining about several games not running. There are even the ones which ran yesterday on my unit but not today :P

Here are my experiences: (Maybe if we write about these in this thread and discuss the problems, we can help each other)

Quake. I found the solution. It only worked with the commercial paks, not with the shareware pak (And yes I got the last version, also doublicated pak0.pak to pak1.pak). So, it runs for me now with the commercial paks.

Quake2. I could run this one (waiting a long in the black screen for the game to load). Now something happened and it doesn't run anymore, no matter if I wait four times more! Anyways, I deleted it from my SD because it was taking too much space.

DosBox. I REALLY WANT TO RUN THIS!!! Black screen as several others. In all those examples I try to be very carefull with the folders being lowercase and the scripts having these folders. Some dos games in a zip I had, had all it's files in uppercase. I renamed them to lowercase just to be sure. Nothing. Maybe I am missing something here..

Beat2X. I could run it yesterday with the C64 pack. Now I copied more packs in the main pack folder and it doesn't start anymore (Black screen for too long). Mmm.. maybe I'll delete the packs and leave the C64 only to see if it's a problem with loading any of these packs. But normally it should start and later search for the packs in the menu, not during the loading of the game itself.

Other games I tried recently. (Pang. Oh the humanity). Black screen or goes to the menu.
Some emuls return to the menu too.

Libs? I have installed SDL. But are there any other libs that I may be possibly need to run more stuff?

p.s. A good thing is to learn using sterm to run your programms and redirect it's output to your SD to read later what has gone wrong. That way I made my assumptions about quake and also found out that another programm needs SDL libs installed. I haven't tried to see the output with sterm for most of the examples above, because it's annoying to type like this. Maybe I should just create a good shell script to do the job more easilly. Oh, sterm is also great to debug your code (if you can get used to type commands with the buttons ;P).
Quake. I found the solution. It only worked with the commercial paks, not with the shareware pak (And yes I got the last version, also doublicated pak0.pak to pak1.pak). So, it runs for me now with the commercial paks.

Hm, Quake does run with shareware pak, as I received it on a CD with my GP2X and it worked fine. Later on, I upgraded it to the commercial pak. Maybe it only works with certain editions of the shareware pak?

Do you have a Mk2 GP2X? I think mine came with the SDL libs already installed, is it the same with everyone?
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Hm, Quake does run with shareware pak, as I received it on a CD with my GP2X and it worked fine. Later on, I upgraded it to the commercial pak. Maybe it only works with certain editions of the shareware pak?

Do you have a Mk2 GP2X? I think mine came with the SDL libs already installed, is it the same with everyone?

I see. I just copied the exact same shareware packs that worked on GP32 Quake ;)

I am not sure about the type of my GP2X, I only know it has firmware 2.0. I read about the diferrent types of GP2X somewhere in the wiki but couldn't make up my mind which kind do I own.
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well if it already came with firmware 2.0 it's very likely that you have an mk2.