Send A Gp2x To Psp Hacking 101 Guys?

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It seems that site is mostly about psp hacking (duh) to get illegal i50z and r0mZ to run.

What would they hack on a GP2X? There is not much to crack as it is open from the start :p
Terrible idea. If someone is interested, they'll get one on their own. Why should ED or Craigix foot the bill?

If you have to do something, send them a link of a good review of the GP2X and leave it at that.
Why should ED or Craigix foot the bill?
Because they stand to gain the most if better programs come to the GP2X ;) Though I don't see where you got their names from, nobody suggested *they* pay for one...

I do think it's be a waste of time though - they would've been looking for something else anyway had they got bored of the PSP.
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Because they stand to gain the most if better programs come to the GP2X ;) Though I don't see where you got their names from, nobody suggested *they* pay for one...

IIRC the "penny arcade plan" he referred to mentioned them as the ones who would send a GP2X.

In general I agree with you, and they do send several GP2Xs to devs around the world--but that's to DEVS, which I fully support doing. Just sending them to a random PSP fanshow hardly seems productive.
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I don't know if it's a good idea, sending GP2X to those guys, but remember PSP already brought us a strong CPS2 emu, and a still in devlopement GBA emu ;)