(second) Guessing Game


Active Member
Jun 4, 2006
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Oh go on then lets have another go at this. The original thread is still be up and running, but as has been pointed out it seems we (most) were a little optimistic, so with all the new info lets give the guessing malarky another go.

Post here when you think the first pandora will be SENT.

20th Feb - atomicthumbs
27th Feb - lootic

1st March - quartercast | B-ZaR | Logokas | Marko
4th March - michield
5th March - Bigun
6th March - pan.man.the.2nd | aliking
7th March - Eversmile
10th March - Defo
12th March - thoughtcriminal
13th March - Eniko | Chero
14th March - giovanni
15th March - socket | magicman5421
16th March - peca
17th March - RajTakhar | javaJake
18th March - WolfpacK | fischju2000
19th March - joseluisjazz | CC_machine
23rd March - Pleng | Eisner
24th March - rmm21
25th March - Hotcooler | maxSteiner*
26th March - PlopperZ
27th March - hstju
29th March - OldGamer
30th March - a.tom | flash101
31st March - Miknal

1st April - zxxxy | Patrick R Ludvigsen | Screeny | Username | valhalla | kollau | Esn | Simon Parzer*
2nd April - (naw)mcx
3rd April - PoisonedV | GoblinKing
6th April - cosurgi | Frogboy | jaycee900 | adamorjames
7th April - Consequence_9
8th April - VRAndy
9th April - joa
11th April - Pseudonym
13th April - ashdjones | praxis
14th April - MarkoeZ
16th April - Tripmonkey_uk | solidstate
17th April - Volvagia
18th April - PSyMastR
20th April - puppydee | danjh0
22nd April - DrCJBoduma
27th April - hells_dark | Balzac2m
30th April - Bosbeetle | hch | White Demon

5th May - midna25
7th May - _VWV_
8th May - conso
9th May - ckblackm*
12th May - A_Llama
14th May - fischju2000
19th May - Kyosys | limonaati | MDave
20th May - clippa**
23rd May - JustJ**
27th May - mmalficia**

1st June - pandorasloveflaps**
5th June - calzone**
<b>10th June - B-ZaR</b>
15th June - GoaLitiuM
16th June - j.pickens**
<b>17th June - PoisonedV
19th June - Unfathomable Depths</b>
27th June - john4p**
<b>29th June - RIUM+</b>

1st July - Simon Parzer**
<b>9th July - wermy
15th July - peca | MDave
17th July - DrCJBoduma
21st July - keaft
27th July - giovanni
28th July - aliking
31st July - CC_machine

1st August - socket
14th August - SONY
17th August - Siphre7
24th August - Zero3K*

30th Sept - CandidStan** | <b>clippa</b>

<b>17th November - b_o_b</b>

31st December - Yigguth**

NEVAARR - Mr.Gonzo**

NEVER - Frogboy*

Craigix** - Sometime in March (I really thought you were going to give a date for a moment) :-)

* - Indicates a guess from the original thread (first round of guessing) (http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=45539&st=285)
** - Guess from the second round

From the amount of wrong guesses it seems we are all a bunch of optimists - Which you would not have thought from reading this forum
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Don't know why we needed another thread for this but I'm guessing April 20th. Just a figure that popped in my head. I would like to be proved wrong and get it before tho :)
I'm going to plump for...(cue drumroll) April 20th

Notice I've not said which year (joke!)