GP32 Sdl Help (noob Questions..)

Jun 16, 2005
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Hi to everybody,

I'm a newbie to the wonderful GP32 world (this site and its community being two of the wonders) and to programming, and I've fallen in love with the idea of porting an emulator to the GP32 (I've preorderd a GPX2, and, if all goes well, that will be my next platform).

The emulator I'm looking at (I won't say what system it emulates: I do non want to create possible expectations, being, as I said, a noob), is based on the notorious SDL libraries; I've seen that those libs are also availble for the GP32, but I do have the following doubts (hope these questions make some sense):

- are the GP32 SDL libs usable with Mr. Mirko SDK, or I'll have to use the offical SDK ?

- if the GP32 SDL libs are only usable with the official SDK, could I use the Win32 SDL libs with VC++ for developing ?

- I've read in another thread of some problems when using the precompiled GP32 SDL libs found on their site, and that it is necessary to recompile them: could you please tell me where to find usable libraries ?

Any further advice on the use of SDL libraries will be more then welcome.

Thanks a lot.
weirdocollector posted on Aug 23 2005 at 09:18 PM said:
Hi to everybody,

I'm a newbie to the wonderful GP32 world (this site and its community being two of the wonders) and to programming, and I've fallen in love with the idea of porting an emulator to the GP32 (I've preorderd a GPX2, and, if all goes well, that will be my next platform).

The emulator I'm looking at (I won't say what system  it emulates: I do non want to create possible expectations, being, as I said, a noob), is based on the notorious SDL libraries; I've seen that those libs are also availble for the GP32, but I do have the following doubts (hope these questions make some sense):

- are the GP32 SDL libs usable with Mr. Mirko SDK, or I'll have to use the offical SDK ?

- if the GP32 SDL libs are only usable with the official SDK, could I use the Win32 SDL libs with VC++ for developing ?

- I've read in another thread of some problems when using the precompiled GP32 SDL libs found on their site, and that it is necessary to recompile them: could you please tell me where to find usable libraries ?

Any further advice on the use of SDL libraries will be more then welcome.

Thanks a lot.

This weekend, i will update SDL-GP32 web with newest SDL port, lib-addons, examples, usages, etc..

This newest SDL, it's a standalone, use a libc replacement and you can use it without other SDKs like GNU/Linux or Windows (Cygwin) SDL.
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nice to hear that chui, many peopel had problem with the old mapping sdl :-)

btw did you ever thought about porting neo4all to gp32? it runs so well on dc, i am sure it would do a decent job on gp as well. maybe it would be perfeckt on gpx2.
Thanks Chui, those are really fantastic news !! :P

Just another (stupid) question (I've tried to ask the same question on the GP32spain forum, but my Spanish is very bad... :unsure: ): will it be possible to compile my programs with VC++ on my PC using the Win32 SDL libs, in order to be able to use the VC++ debugger, compiling them on a second time with DevKitPro and your libs when I'm sure they do work ?

Thanks for your attention.
Vimacs posted on Aug 25 2005 at 04:24 PM said:
nice to hear that chui, many peopel had problem with the old mapping sdl :-)

btw did you ever thought about porting neo4all to gp32? it runs so well on dc, i am sure it would do a decent job on gp as well. maybe it would be perfeckt on gpx2.

GP32 haven't enought RAM and CPU. NEO4ALL runs very very fast using PVR textures for draw NeoGeo tiles.
I will try for GPX2.

weirdocollector posted on Aug 25 2005 at 06:56 PM said:
Thanks Chui, those are really fantastic news !! :P

Just another (stupid) question (I've tried to ask the same question on the GP32spain forum, but my Spanish is very bad... :unsure: ): will it be possible to compile my programs with VC++ on my PC using the Win32 SDL libs, in order to be able to use the VC++ debugger, compiling them on a second time with DevKitPro and your libs when I'm sure they do work ?

Thanks for your attention.

I build ALL under GNU/Linux SDL and next i rebuild for GP32 or Dreamcast.
But i don't know VC++ SDL environment, but don't must be different.
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nice to hear that you will give it at try on gpx2, what chances do you see for playable speed? will you get one at launch?
Vimacs posted on Aug 26 2005 at 10:14 AM said:
nice to hear that you will give it at try on gpx2, what chances do you see for playable speed? will you get one at launch?

NEO4ALL for GPX2 will need use second CPU or any hw acceleration for drawing NeoGeo gfx tiles.
Also will need load NeoGeo ROMs.
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