Sdio Port

Nov 21, 2008
There is wrighten there in no software support for this port so how do You use it for example to make a led blink ?? Is it possible without master programing skills ??
Thanks , will wiz have the minimal Lib .. I know that it probably ( added ) wont have the SDIO but just the lib ??
Orange Pumpkin said:
Thanks , will wiz have the minimal Lib .. I know that it wont have the SDIO but just the lib ??
The lib is for the gp2x, the wiz is different hw. Ryleh is currently making a new lib that should be supported by the wiz.
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Our misunderstanding each other but nvm


Secure Digital I/O port I was thinking that it is like GPIO but dosnt have analog signal but I found out on the wiki that it is a port similar to SD card port but supports divices pluged to SD card port


How do You control it , can you do it manually , ( without a protocol ) for example blinking with a led ??

Are there any free GPIO in GP2X/Wiz ??

Will the Wiz support SDIO too ??
Thanks will replay what I read after i read it and it may take a while becous my Angish isn't as good as it should

Marry Chrissmas
I read some of it and I see that the main problem is that I would have to wright my own drivers ..

Is it hard/possible to wright them ??

By the way will the wiz have the SDIO ??

Will it also be so easy to get to the Wizs GPIO port ( like the led port ) ??

And in the old GP2X ( f200 ) is it possible to change the voltage too ( on the GPIO ports ) ??

I know that's kaind of boring questions but I don't know wich to buy GP2X/Wiz or less probable PSP/DSi/FreeRunner
Orange Pumpkin said:
I read some of it and I see that the main problem is that I would have to wright my own drivers ..

Is it hard/possible to wright them ??

Depends for what hardware - your own that just blinks a LED, should be easy. Trying to get a SDIO Camera to work would typically be much more difficult (as it wouldn't be documented).

As for the voltages, no.

Don't know about the Wiz. I don't have one.
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As for the voltages, no.

What did You mean ??

And I was less interested in " how hard is the code to do " , I'm more interested in how legal is it / do You need the agreement of the GPH to do it ??
Orange Pumpkin said:
As for the voltages, no.
What did You mean ??

And I was less interested in " how hard is the code to do " , I'm more interested in how legal is it / do You need the agreement of the GPH to do it ??
I mean you have GND and VCCIO, nothing in-between.

The GP2X is an open console, why would you need GPH's permission?
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Becous it is not fully open ( I think , becous for example the 18 + thing in the Wiz and no hard-ware schematkic ) but if You say that's enought , Ok I think after some time mb I will buy GP2X or Wiz ..

Happy new Year ( In my country ( Poland ) it pased 3 h and 19 min ago )

Ohh and conserniing to the voltages I wanted to ask about the GP2X GPIO port conected to the led , are there any drivers like that above but with voltage changable
Orange Pumpkin said:
Becous it is not fully open ( I think , becous for example the 18 + thing in the Wiz and no hard-ware schematkic ) but if You say that's enought , Ok I think after some time mb I will buy GP2X or Wiz ..

GPH don't care what you do with your console. There's no hardware schematic because they don't want people ripping off there console and selling it cheaper than they do (which is a moot point now as it's a discontinued product anyway).
Orange Pumpkin said:
Happy new Year ( In my country ( Poland ) it pased 3 h and 19 min ago )

Ohh and conserniing to the voltages I wanted to ask about the GP2X GPIO port conected to the led , are there any drivers like that above but with voltage changable
All GPIO ports are strictly VCCIO or GND, nothing in-between. You may be able to re-purpose the SDIO pins as GPIO, but I've not tried that. Even if it is so however, you shouldn't expect them to have the current handling capability of a LED. They are meant as data communication pins, assume 2mA unless you read somewhere they'll handle more.

Happy new Year.
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Ups sory my falt I thought that GPIO have analog in standars , my mistake

How big is the voltage on GP2X GPIO port ??

And the power isn't a proble my Dad know some of it from university and He may help me to get a proper transistor and I can make a external power supply ( I think that would end the problem ) ..
I'd say typically 3.3V (VCCIO), but don't depend on that, specially if your using rechargable batteries. The 2X does has a voltage booster, but still, I'd say between 3.0 and 3.3V.
KK thinks

IF I have a GP2X or the Wiz ( probably Wiz ) I will try to wright the drivers to control servos with it but for now I fell satisfied with this info ..
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So for example, GPH must have license, but you don't, unless you intend to sell commercially.