Sdhc Deals?

Very good advice, Prometheus. :)

I'm not familiar with UK pricing on stuff - but now that I think about it, there's a lot of taxes and things. If you do a direct currency conversion, the Buy It Now price does just barely fit, assuming no other taxes or shipping costs. (Unlikely)

So yeah.. he might have gotten scammed. I suppose we'll find out in a few weeks?
Kramy said:
stephen0205 said:
i dont see how i would have got scammed, he sells the same ones for 40 quid buy it now, and at bidding i got it cheaper so, im my eyes i got a bargin, that and it will still play my videos, sound, and games on the pandora

Seems reputable.

Beware Chinese sellers with unrealistic pricing. The SD controllers can be programmed to incorrectly report the amount of space. I've seen 8GB cards that fail to write files after 1GB, because the space just isn't there.

MDave said:
I got a Class 6 16GB Transcend from Amazon a while back, and I get around just over 7MB per second write speed, not too shabby!. Got it for a good price, much much cheaper then retail stores sell them for. Works perfectly fine too. I recommend them.

I've bought three A-Data 16GB cards in the past year. Only kept one - the other two were for other people. All three benchmarked at over 10MB/sec write, and 12MB/sec read, in addition to being the cheapest retail 16GB card I could find. (under $30 each, shipped)

Where did you get the A-Data 16GB's from? Can't seem to find them on Amazon. A quick google search led me to this: which is about £10 more then the Transcend I bought :o Though I would probably of stuck with the Transcend at the time because of my tight budget :P
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