Scummvm For The Gp32 0.5.1 - Scummy Alpha

small questions about something else than mp3/ogg:

- what about filtering options that was on previous GPScumm release? not that it is important, just wondering if it was any good =)
- more important (to me at least =) language option? is it possible to put a small language configuration in GPScumm (mostly for BASS support, since it is the only way to play it in something else than english =)

ok, think that's all for my questions. next step will be beta testing this baby. any chance it works on geepee32? or else is there any real risks of damaging my sweet GP32?

thanx for keeping the good work, GPScumm rulez!!
This is great! I've got Loom talkie working- I'd forgotten how beautiful this game is, oh boy I'm getting little fits of nostalgia :rolleyes:

Couple of fings. The sound does tick a little, although this could be the ogg file I'm using. Also I tried disabling the text display but it still displays (you most probably know this)

The first menu that loads- does this actually do anything? you can't actually select most of the options as pushing a direction on the d-pad counts for 2 clicks (sort of like down moves down then control release moves down again....?!?!)

Does anyone know how to patch the fxe to bump up the clock speed?- please do say if you'd rather we didn't do this, but it may improve the games....

nice work djwillis- looking forward to seeing more!


ps. sorry if there's any babble- had a coupla drinks

It works slowly in GeePee. It should not harm your GP32, it is built @ 133MHz and does nothing odd to the hardware. I have been using this build for months without problem but I want to cover myself ;).

What do you mean by 'Filtering' options?

Language support for BASS is on my TODO list, it is of no use for the other SCUMM games though.


The menu options do work, I have no problem selecting each option on my GP32, do others have this problem? The menus are diffrent in the newer builds.

If you want to patch the FXE go ahead, I have not tried it above 133MHz myself and I don't know what would happen. I do want to put a speed selector on the menu at some point as games like Manic Mansion run well at stupidly low speeds :D.
so what game do people recomend on this? I basically like to try the best game for the engine that i can play and finish (ie, no dodgy saving or crashing at a point). Plus what version (floppy/cd etc). thanks!
when i run the extract.exe it pops up for a split second n then it closes itself down :unsure: dus n e one kno whats goin on :blink:
I think the filtering is referring to the setting that supposedly let you use 2xSAI etc. on the last release of ph0x's port. It didn't work, of course; 2xSai and the others would almost certainly have been 640x480 minimum (if I remember the readme for the windows version correctly) and the res of the Gp32 is 320x240, as you know.

But it made some think there was some improvement... I can't remember if there was or not, but I *really* doubt it.
thanx for the quick answer about the language option. I know it's only for BASS use, but anyway this game rocks so much =)

the filtering option I talked about was the graphic modes that was present on 0.3.1 CVS, along with sound options (adlib and volume selection).

anyway I didn't try these, so I don't know if it's any use on GP32 since games look fine with GPScumm.

I tested it on geepee, and there's another language issue: ASCII. é è and other chars like these don't work (odd display)

Thanks mate. No, none of the graphics filters are in this build. 2xSAI is a 640x480 filter so I doubt it did anything on gpScumm (I'll check back to the 0.3.1 CVS code). I seem to remember there was code in the GP32 backend to give the appearance it was on but actually did nothing (or was hacked to do something else, can’t quite remember).

There is a graphics filter that can stretch the old 320*200 games to 320*240 but it looks ugly and puts a big strain on our little GP32's so DO NOT expect to see that filter in this port ;).


AdLib sound and volume code are fairly similar (in this build) to what was in the old 0.3.1 CVS. You can set the volume from the options dialog (START, options, volume). Volume defaults to a little under maximum. The AdLib options are the same as the Music Driver options in this build.

I have not tried non-English games so I will look into the ASCII issue. What game where you using?


extract.exe is a command line application. I.e. it has no graphical front end. You need to run it from a command prompt (CMD on XP/2k, Command on 9x/ME) to be able to set the parameters.


For the 1st time in ages I am actually using the GP32 to play a game. I am playing through Loom CD and Monkey Island 1 VGA CD again (Both OGG encoded) and both appear to work well on the old (and newer) builds. I would recommend those.

DOTT (Floppy version) also works very well on this build; if you use the CD version OGG encoding slows it down too much IMHO. Some people have reported problems (On the GP32Spain board) with Sam and Max.

For extreme retro freaks Manic Mansion also works (I have only tested the version in DOTT).

You can pick up all the games cheaply on eBay or (as I did) buy the dirt cheep LucasArts multi-packs from Game for about £10 for 2-3 games.
This is my first post, so hello to everyone.

I wanted to say a big thanks to DJWillis for providing what I think is an excellent port. I have a Sony Clie with Scummvm 0.5.3 cvs on it and runs so very slowly on DOTT and SAM N MAX is almost unplayable due to it's slowness. Also I had to use MP3's on Monkey Island 1 but this led to problems putting other titles on my memory card. I had more or less given up on Scummvm and despite having had my GP32 for 6 months I never tried the GP32 version.

I installed it yesterday and copied all my game files over from my Sony Clie less my Monkey Island 1 soundtrack which I re-recorded from it's original CD as MP3 64kb 22khz. I then downloaded a program called winLame and used that to encode my tracks to the ogg format. After installing and trying Monkey Island 1 I was delighted with the results, it runs smooth and sounds great!

Games I have and tried:

DOTT worked with music, I don't have the CD version just the floppies. I had comleted the game and the old loads work just fine.

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis works no crashes yet, it loaded old saved states.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade works no crashes yet.

Maniac Mansion worked with sound! I am excited by this as I couldn't get sounds at all when I used to play it on my Sony Clie. No crashes yet. A little fast.

Monkey Island 1 CD version ogg encoded tracks works fine, no crashes saves work.

Monkey Island 2 CD version works, old saves work did have one crash in the library on Phatt island, couldn't get it to repeat may have been a power problem ie fading batteries.

Sam n Max floppies works good speed playable old saves worked no crashes yet.

Zak McKracken 256 colour with ogg encoded MP3 tracks works a treat. Old saves work!

Just to add the old games work great, Maniac Mansion is perhaps a little too quick could underclock for this one. Perhaps overclock on DOTT and Sam n Max. Also the cursor in DOTT, Sam n Max, Atlantis and MI:2 sometimes slows to a crawl for no obvious reason. I know nothing about programming so I don't know if something can be done to rectify this.

Did I say thanks to DJWillis before. I can't remember but I think that this is a landmark improvement over what I played before PalmOS that I think his efforts should be recognised.

Fate of atlantis works great though sometimes the cursor becomes pretty slow, like neo stuey said. Apart from that good speed, fluid animations, can be compared with the 156mhz version of the old gpscumm that was around, probably even a bit better (the sound is definitely better) but I haven't tested it enough to say that for sure.

I also have the problems in the startup menu (one movement of the stick counting as two movements in the menu: one when you push the stick, another one when you release it)

Anyway, thanks alot for this release, been waiting for something like this for a looooong time now :)
:( Tragedy has just struck in Monkey Island, I just got a message saying that the savestate S.0 failed which I beleive is the autosave when I checked my save gamestates had vanished. Switched off and on again and they didn't come back.

Not such a problem as I think I still have the original saves on my hard drive somewhere but a pretty big bug.

Thanks for the comments :D.

Regarding Monkey Island saves, can you email me (address in readme) a save with details of how to get the error you found? (Rooms, items, etc.)
Also, did your SMC have enough free space for the saves?


I am glad I redid the menu code, it sounds like a LOT of GP32's are very sensitive to the joystick movement.

I realise a lot of people have complained about speed but my aim is to get something that works at stock speeds on a GP32, I am not a fan of overclocking just to use an app ;) so expect all releases to default to 133MHz and that will be my baseline for optimising the port.
i overclocked the fxe to 156mhz, if anyone wants it....
note: i did NOT test it yet, i dont have my gp here right now, i just played with the fxe in my hex editor.
if this destroys your gp32/smc/life then its not my fault :D :ph34r:
make a 150 and i will test it :D

hmm have to get my monkey 1 and 2 cds back want to try it
156mhz just tested works fine ;)

too bad dott isnt very playable but keep up the good work djwillis :P

*edit* dott crashes when the hero rescues the two tentacles and the light should turn on.
oh well, not sure, if this is always so, but the time i tried it was so. im using my 156mhz version ;)
until tomorrow I won't have my 128 SMC, so here's what I got with geepee and foreign language:

- ASCII problems in french with maniac mansion and zak mc kraken (and in other language I assume)
- Monkey Island 2 is good, no ASCII issue
- couldn't load Monkey 1 by the way (can't find any game in the directory), and same problem with BASS and Indy3 (maybe just geepee issue, in that case nevermind)
- Sam and Max freeze on word "friends?" ("Amis?" in my version) at the beginning of the intro (geepee issue?)

that's all for now. I think Maniac Mansion and Zak ASCII problems and Monkey 2 no ASCII problem are the more reliable informations I gave here about this topic. I will test on real GP and real SMC pretty soon and talk about it a little more (and go through other bugs I'll find)