Scumm Question

Dark Helmet

Still Fresh
Apr 9, 2004
I'm new to this forum, and the GP32. This is my first post, and I would like to say hi to all of you.

It would be very cool if someone could tell me exactly which games can run on GPScumm. All the discriptions of the program that I have read, all say things like "it runs games like the Monkey Island serie, Indiana Jones series, Sam and Max, Day of the Tentacle and many more"
My question is, what games do they mean by "many more"?
I can only find the compatibility list for ScummVM, which I understand is a bit different.
Also, does anybody know of a tutorial for GPScumm?

Thanks in advance
Some of the games for ScummVM vary for PC and GP32. The games you can definitely play on GP32 are:

Sam and Max (no sound unless you own the floppy version)
Day of the Tentacle
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indy and the Fate of Atlantis
Monkey Island 1 and 2

Beneath a Steel Sky, Flight of the Amazon Queen, later LucasArts games, Simon Sorceror and Broken Sword games DO NOT work on GP32.
The easiest way to look at it is that the GP32 port (well my 0.5.1 based one anyway) will support all the 320*240 resolution (or below) LucasArts games supported by the main 0.5.1 ScummVM - None of the other 0.5.1 games (or 0.6.0) are publicly supported yet.

Performance is very variable (old games tend to be better obviously) and only a rough implementation of OGG is available if you want to use compressed audio versions of the games - oh and the MIDI engine is slow in the alpha.

Some games off the top of my head that I used in testing...

Loom (VGA version with OGG audio was the main 'show off' game for the public alpha :D)
Day of the Tentacle (Floppy Best)
Sam & Max (Floppy Best)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade/Fate of Atlantis (Poor)
Dig (Very hacked about to fit on SMC, not really that great to play as so much is missing)
Monkey Island 1 and 2 (Very Playable)
Zak (VGA version best)

Others checked out well but I don't have the list to hand.
There is some info in the readme.
Thanks to wildcat and DJWillis, much appreciated.
Any tutorial on how to instal the program?

To DJWillis: Keep up the great work! point'n click adventuring on the train is a dream come true :)
DJWillis posted on Apr 9 2004 at 08:09 PM said:
Loom (VGA version with OGG audio was the main 'show off' Zak (VGA version best)
I take it the VGA only versions work on GP32? I have the original floppy games but they don't work on my handheld but work on the PC version.
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It's alright, got them working now. Turns out there were two choices for Zak McKracken so picked the other one. Thanks for all the help.