How Can I Save The Game With Gpscumm?


Apr 5, 2004
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Now i own the great scumm games day of the tentacle and monkey island2.
Both work but how can i save the games?(I'm using gpscumm v5 160mhz)

i thought that i have to press L+R. but it doesn't work.
I tryed pressing everything possible and suddenly the menu appeared.
... which buttons do i have to press? :blink:
press start to bring up the menu

click on a save slot you want to use (slot 0 defaults for the auto saves, so click any other number). when you first click (or double click I think) it will bring up the text input cursor. Hold the R button, up and down selects the letter, right on the joypad enters it and moves to input the next letter, left backspaces... name the slot whatever you want, when you have your name, let go of R, move mouse cursor over the slot again and double click A. It takes about 10-15 seconds to save, during which time, music will still be playing and the game will appear frozen, dont worry it's not :P
when i try this with monkey island 1 (the original VGA version that came on floopies) i get an error that says it cannot be saved and then a load of random numbers and letters that change each time the error occurs, n e ideas??
when i try this with monkey island 1 (the original VGA version that came on floopies) i get an error that says it cannot be saved and then a load of random numbers and letters that change each time the error occurs, n e ideas??

Yes, You need a hex edited version o GPScumm, Look for the recent topic about modified versions of GPScumm by bast525.

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