Screw Size/Positions?

Silent Bob

Still Fresh
Feb 13, 2011
Hello Fellow Pandorians,

I'm the proud owner of a new Pandora but unfortunately the left shoulder pad wasn't quite working properly.

I read a few of the posts here about fixing it, which I've done but I'm not sure of which positions the long and short screws go back into as they fell out as I turned the back of the case upside down to put it on the table.

I wasn't aware there were two different size screws in the case else I'd have taken more care when opening it.

Having read some of the posts here about over tightening screws damaging the case I don't want to put the screws in the wrong places.

I'd be grateful if someone could clarify which screws go in which holes?

To help avoid confusion I've attached this rather poor diagram of the case as viewed from the bottom :-)


Silent Bob

screw diagram.png
The small screws go under the battery.

DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN THEM. As soon as you feel resistance stop.

Thank you for the prompt reply Craig, the reason I ask is that my unit has 3 short screws and 2 long ones - it would have been a fair assumption that the long ones go in the two holes under battery, glad I checked :-)

thanks again

Silent Bob
I finally sacked up this morning and attempted this repair on my refurb Pandora. It was totally easy, no problem.

Once you have the case apart, just take the left and right shoulder buttons out--they're just sleeves sitting on posts, held in place by the case itself when it's shut. Compare them and the fix is obvious: unstick that spongy pad and re-stick it higher up. Boom, done, time to reassemble.

Just don't overtighten the screws when you reassemble (as Craig tells us over and over). I held the jeweler's screwdriver very lightly and stopped tightening when my fingers first started to slip. Now I have two working shoulder buttons and zero cracked cases.
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