Serial Porter
Here is Scrabble 3D, a remake of scrabble, using 3D
It is in fact more than a simple Scrabble with 3D Display, there is also many game mode.
The game as quite some locale.
It's a Lazarus (FreePascal) game, and it used glshim for the 3D rendering.
Use a real mouse for more confort.
To play with the Nubs, use Left Click to inclinate (with mouse up/down), Left Click + Left Shoulder to Move board (click before shoulder), Left Click + Right shoulder to Zoom In/Out (with mouse up/down)
History log
Build 03

It is in fact more than a simple Scrabble with 3D Display, there is also many game mode.
The game as quite some locale.
It's a Lazarus (FreePascal) game, and it used glshim for the 3D rendering.
Use a real mouse for more confort.
To play with the Nubs, use Left Click to inclinate (with mouse up/down), Left Click + Left Shoulder to Move board (click before shoulder), Left Click + Right shoulder to Zoom In/Out (with mouse up/down)
History log
Build 03
- Improved speed of PBuffer" mode
- Updated libs
- Using "PBuffer" mode of glshim: compatible with all driver and no more mouse blinking
- Initial build
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