scene is real quiet lately..


Active Member
Feb 27, 2003
Los Angeles
I guess the Barcelona meetup is right around the corner so hopefully we'll see some news after that. Otherwise.. any of you "higher ups" got any news to give us a little stimulation?

I am sure we'll see updates of GPEngine/Genesis/rlyeh emulators sooner or later (hope so!), but like I said the news has been pretty quiet lately 'cept for all the newbisms. Just gotta keep being patient I suppose..
I think it's the end of the PD ROMS competition, and the ADIC competition. Everyone wants to release their things in those :)
Yea, the PDroms comp will probobly have a good number on entries from what i've read, so that will get things going :D
am I the only one who could care less about a snes emulator? I want a better genesis emu. (megadrive to some of you) but I guess that's because I grew up on one and not a snes.

btw: I'm not saying that the one that is out is crap or's a really good start.
Grand_Poobah posted on Oct 30 2003 at 11:11 PM said:
am I the only one who could care less about a snes emulator? I want a better genesis emu. (megadrive to some of you) but I guess that's because I grew up on one and not a snes.

btw: I'm not saying that the one that is out is crap or's a really good start.
;) Yep genesis for me too Snes can wait :ph34r: :P
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The scene is so quiet and my life has become so busy that I'm now considerin selling my GP32, I love it to bits but not in the way that I want to use it everyday anymore. It's kinda become a forty year old marraige in the space of a few weeks. Something damn good better happen soon, or it may be Ebay.
I'm not saying that the one that is out is crap or's a really good start.

Yeah it is, its complete shit. Fucking overhyped load of crap.

The authors an ass, so I have no hesitation in saying that.

Snesemu is pretty cool, pity it got abandoned.
I have hope for all Genesis fans (myself included, I grew up with it too :)) in ZardozJ, who has been giving Rlyeh some info on improving the m68k core used in fMAME and fGEN (which, NssOne, supports BIN). Although the info has supposedly been pretty vague Rlyeh is confident he'll be able to optimise the code, which means a release (hopefully) soon.
on a side note, it's pretty damn bad ettiquite to attack an emu author on the boards like that, if you don't like the emulator than don't use it.

it's shitty attitudes like that which cripple our scene, you should grow up. I am not trying to start a flame thing here, so take this as it is - just a post on a freakin' message board - but look at what's happened in the past (leaked beta emulators, consistent author bashing on the boards) and the consequences we have now. The GBA emu scene is pretty lively and friendly, and the GP32 one is a lot more separated (and childish!). They don't tolerate this kinda crap over there, if it was like that here as well (a pretty high-profile GP32 site) than our higher-potential machine might have a few more nice apps for it. Something to think about..
moz posted on Oct 30 2003 at 02:09 PM said:
there is always calm before a storm.
Exactly. And the storm would be yoyo announcing that his *secret project* is a snes emu :D
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