Playing Doom for the 1st time with the light outs and a set of headphones - when one of thoses pesky green monsters flings a fireball at you from behind a pillar. I remember edging forward and trying to see around the corner and then getting blasted with a fireball - I would physically jump!!
fist II on the c64 made me freak out, couldn't play for more than 15 mins. I guess it was the music and the fact that the +1 trainer made my character invincible :-O
gee now i wish i was 8 again...
Alien Breed 3D on the Amiga. Headphones on LOUD lights out. No game I've played builds tension so much. Frantic action one minute then nothing... a minute or two can pass with just the distant howling of the breed while you creep along then all of a sudden wallop some hellhound jumps out at you and your heart is in your mouth. I can't truly say I was scared I'm a bit old for that but the atmosphere built by that game is awesome. My mates still come round and fire up my Amiga to play it now.