GP32 Kirby posted on Oct 25 2003 at 06:38 PM said:
On a related note, here's a fun fact... they were originally going to title the classic Pac-Man as "Puck-Man", but didn't because they may fear younger ones may accidently pronounce the P as an F :lol:
GP32 Kirby posted on Oct 25 2003 at 06:38 PM said:
On a related note, here's a fun fact... they were originally going to title the classic Pac-Man as "Puck-Man", but didn't because they may fear younger ones may accidently pronounce the P as an F :lol:
...for that reason, and more importantly, because a smart marketing exec realized that vandals would scratch the P into an F on all the arcade machines.
Oh and here's another stupid name-change example we sufferend in Europe.. remember the really old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon? Over here it was dubbed "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles" because creators feared "Ninja was too extreme a word in britain" at that time... how pathetic an excuse can ya get? It makes it look more like THEY think that WE'RE the idiots. :angry:
Also within episodes broadcasted in the UK, they removed the "Ninja" part from the script completely without replacing it with another word, so whenever someone said "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" in the american show it comes out here as "Teenage Mutant Turtles" and you notice the person's mouth goes out of sync when they say that... <_<
If I make time to do so tonight I will try encode and rip a brief clip from an episode where a guy says "Teenage Mutant Turtles", followed by a second of silence although his lips are still moving
Also I'll try provide a few pics from the show intro (it was altered in the UK too...)
Not for the Turtles one... I mean get realistic here, there is NO excuse to remove the word "Ninja" just because they thought it'd be better for the audience... we know they are ninjas in the cartoon but you dont HEAR or SEE the damned word, instead you see/hear "Hero" at the intro and hear absolutely nothing during the show. C'mon, was it really nessiscary?