Sad To Finish It...


Feb 9, 2004
Ilfracombe Devon UK
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Well i've finally done it, completed Resident Evil 4 on gamecube, thing is i'm kind of upset that I have as it was just a rollercoaster of a ride from start to finish, 30 hours of pure adrenalin rush...

This game is the best thing I have played in the last year, period. Trouble is I dont see anything on the horrizon that looks like it will touch it.

Suppose I'll have to play through again on Proffesional difficulty but it's not quite the same as the first time is it?

Then there's always Assignment Ada and Mercenaries to play through plus the lure of those extra special weapons...

Maybe it deserves a couple more goes after all!
had it for a week now and im only at the castle. I like to take it slow but its one hell of a game. Some of the stuff is a bit freaky though but nothing i can't handle. It definitely has replay values though. Hopefully it won't be long till i've finished it so it can sit alongside Tales of Symphonia. Saying that if u've finished resi evil 4 and u like rpg's give tales of symphonia a try. Easily sits as one of the best games i've ever played.
the story is very involving and although my friend says its crap every magazine and site gave it a good review. I need to think of a gamecube game i can get to fill the viod once resi evil 4 is done. Any suggestions?
yeah watever will. ill buy paper mario 2 and play it the whole way through if u buy tales of symphonia and play it the whole way through. Do we have a deal mr twit?
Ganepark32 posted on Mar 29 2005 at 07:35 PM said:
I need to think of a gamecube game i can get to fill the viod once resi evil 4 is done. Any suggestions?

Nothing can...although, yes, Paper Mario is a good start.

But once you've completed RE4 there are quite a few secrets to unlock so it should last you a good while yet. Mercenaries is enough fun on its own :P
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Yeah it sucks when an awesome game or movie/tv show comes to an end. Always leaves me with depression afterwards :lol:
in mercenaries, do u do the game all over again but on a really hard difficulty or wat? And also y cant u find any ammo for the Broken Butterfly gun in the castle?
The Mercenaries is an extra mode where the object is to shoot as many enemies as possible before your chopper turns up to collect you, bonuses are awarded based on how many enemies you kill in quick succession.

If you perform well enough (a 4 star ranking or above) you can unlock extra characters which have different weapons to play with.

The game has 4 seperate stages comprised of: The Village, The Castle, Island and Waterworld.

You start with 3 minutes on the clock and hordes of enemies to kill, Time Bonuses are available as pick-ups as well.

Looks quite fun but personally I'm going to have a go at Asignment Ada first which is a sub-mission in which you play as Ada with your objective being to retrieve 5 Plaga samples and make it to the rendezvous point to meet the chopper. Looks like more of the same action of the main game but from Ada's point of view.

There is also an extra difficulty level known as Professional which you unlock on completion of the main game.

Oh and Broken Butterfly Ammo is known as Magnum Ammo and is available in the castle but it is scarce so be sparing with it.

A good tip is if you upgrade the capacity of any weapon with the Merchants they will refill your Ammo for that weapon, worth remembering if you are desperately low, as I found myself frequently towards the end of the game.
Ahh Resident Evil 4, loved the game but I think it became too action-orientated towards the end. The second time through it I enjoed it more because I had no preconceptions about end and just got to enjoy the action. I liked the not-so-subtle references to Metal Gear Solid. Come to think of it, the whole military base segment felt Metal Gear-ish to me. Especially the radio tower.

Also, I don't know how you got 30 hours out of the main game. It only took me 14 hours on my first playthrough and 8 on my second. The same thing happened with Ninja Gaiden and MGS 3, both supposedly 20+ hour games. That really gets on my nerves because, well, the games are over sooner.

razzy posted on Mar 30 2005 at 03:15 PM said:
There is also an extra difficulty level known as professional which you unlock on completion of the main game.
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Ahh Resident Evil 4, loved the game but I think it became too action-orientated towards the end. The second time through it I enjoed it more because I had no preconceptions about end and just got to enjoy the action. I liked the not-so-subtle references to Metal Gear Solid. Come to think of it, the whole military base segment felt Metal Gear-ish to me. Especially the radio tower.

Also, I don't know how you got 30 hours out of the main game. It only took me 14 hours on my first playthrough and 8 on my second. The same thing happened with Ninja Gaiden and MGS 3, both supposedly 20+ hour games. That really gets on my nerves because, well, the games are over sooner.
Quite a few of those hours were spent agonizing over the pros and cons of selling upgraded weaponry to enable the purchase of others...

Also I dont like to rush games.
good idea. might have a late night session of RE4 myself. my friend said its soooo scary in the dark but he's a pussy anyway so it cant be that scary in the dark
Resident Evil is the daddy of Survival Horror but the only game that has made me, and I say this with years of unblemished hetrosexuality, 'scared', is Silent Hill 2 on the PS2.

Sickening, dodgy, unerving stuff.
Ganepark32 posted on Mar 31 2005 at 06:03 PM said:
my friend said its soooo scary in the dark but he's a pussy anyway so it cant be that scary in the dark
The only way to trully appreciate this game is with a decent telly & sound system, I myself have a 32"widescreen telly with a Dolby 5.1 surround sound setup, if you have access to this sort of technology the game gets a whole lot scarier!

The first time you hear a monk laugh as he's about to attack you from behind, you will shit yourself! The Pro Logic II sound is excellently done.
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Kop_007 posted on Mar 31 2005 at 06:20 PM said:
Resident Evil is the daddy of Survival Horror but the only game that has made me, and I say this with years of unblemished hetrosexuality, 'scared', is Silent Hill 2 on the PS2.

Sickening, dodgy, unerving stuff.

Yep, another great example of survival horror done well.

I think with Resident Evil 4 It's more the sheer number of the buggers attacking from all angles that puts the fear of god into you rather than scary moments like the dogs jumping through the window in the first game.
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