Anyone Willing To Finish Phoneme?


Still Fresh
Apr 29, 2010
Hi all,

I'm a professional game artist who owns (and loves) a Gp2x unit. I've wanted to make games for it for a long time, but untill now it would have been difficult to do what I wanted.

Now However, Multimedia Fusion 2 (Dev) allows for the export of games in j2me format! I';ve made a quick test with PhoneME and it works well EXCEPT that there's no sound support. To my knowlege this had not yet been implimented. :(

I and several friends will be making several new games in the future (starting up soon) And would LOVE to export j2me versions tweaked specifically for play on Gp2x units! (controls and even unique content like extra levels!)

I'd definately be willing to donate a little money to (AND a small percent of the games profits) to anyone willing to finish the sound support, and if possible, further optimize PhoneME (for instance, does it currently put any use the the GP2X's second processor for drawing?)

Heres anoter post I made about this same topic: POST

Anyone who is interested or knows someone who might be interrested, please help spread the word and get back to me. :)

thanks much.

PS, Once word gets out that MMF2 exported games can run well on GP2X I'll bed there will be lots of great new games created for this wonderful device.


Holymonkey (Mike Parent)
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I did an updated port like 6 months ago, but never got to uploading it.
It does support sound, but only midi style, no mp3.

My only update was to fix clipping for the draw2d so I could play 3d software rastered racing games.

I can upload the port today, and help you with setup.

BTW, you need that midi library in your path.

Will upload an example game with sound too.
sounds awesome. thanks,

Would you be willing to try supporting the mp3 sound and chek into whether or not it uses the second processor at all? (hoping to squeeze a few more FPS out that way)

Mike Parent

mth411 said:

I did an updated port like 6 months ago, but never got to uploading it.
It does support sound, but only midi style, no mp3.

My only update was to fix clipping for the draw2d so I could play 3d software rastered racing games.

I can upload the port today, and help you with setup.

BTW, you need that midi library in your path.

Will upload an example game with sound too.
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Er, mp3 is a maybe. Looking into it.

The gp2x doesn't have a mmu on the second core, so you can only use the second processor if you load a specific binary on it, and handle the data from the first core, much like how they did the rrootage/egoboo gp2x games with opengl on the second core, or some emulators/games use the second core only for mp3/ogg.
Awesome. Thanks much for looking into the mp3 thing... what about .wav...does j2me support .wav?

So, might the second core be used for something? Maybe it already is? I'd just hate for it to sit there when it could take some of the load off of the first core...
Well, I uploaded the last version before my updates (PhoneME 1.0.1) to with a good free game, mister-hachi. All setup with midi, configuration file for motorola like mappings (for the game) all rotated to work with 240x320.




Still working to bundle my updates up into a zip, will keep at it.

Edit: Let me know if anyone is having problems with the game not running, not having sound, or the like. I ran it on a F100 GP2x with Open2x-DR7. There is no volume control.


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thanks much.

will this version of phone ME only work with open2x?

I'd like my eventual game ports to run on the most gp2x's possible. Have most users switched to open2x?
It will work on any of the gp2x firmwares. Compatibility goes down with open2x, not the other way round. Probably could do a wiz compile, but don't own a wiz (maybe someone could test builds for me?).
Just tested on my F200 (firm 4.1.1) and it works.
The only issue is the speed ....if the audio is enabled the fps is very low .

For the rest is work nicely...the buttons (in 240*320 mode) are not comfortable but this is another story.

Anyway i'm impatient to try your version of PhoneME with the patch.

Thank's a lot for improving this emu :)
Hmm, I think it runs better for me because on open2x applications are launched at 200mhz (or whatever the open2x is configured to launch them at, 200mhz is default). That and open2x forces ram timings and the mmu module speedup.

I will try to include a cpu_speed script in the update.

Thanks for running it.
wow, mth411, you rock! thanks for all the effort. :)

mth411 said:
Hmm, I think it runs better for me because on open2x applications are launched at 200mhz (or whatever the open2x is configured to launch them at, 200mhz is default). That and open2x forces ram timings and the mmu module speedup.

I will try to include a cpu_speed script in the update.

Thanks for running it.
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mth411 said:

I did an updated port like 6 months ago, but never got to uploading it.
It does support sound, but only midi style, no mp3.

My only update was to fix clipping for the draw2d so I could play 3d software rastered racing games.

I can upload the port today, and help you with setup.

BTW, you need that midi library in your path.

Will upload an example game with sound too.

Hello mth411,
Thats sounds great, I am interested in your updated Phone2ME development project :)

I do have a few questions, will your PhoneME 1.0.1 with mister-hachi game work with the Vocamaster F-300 as well?

I am guessing that it requires all the export "POLLUX" settings in its *.GPE file to be removed (OpenJazzWiz doesn't have these in the GPE thats why it works on F-300.. but not CommanderKeenWiz for some reasons), as certain forum members have pointed out
I think it may depends on firmware versions on the F-300
but I could be wrong..

anyways I will test this on my GP2X and get back to you. Many thanks for your help and contributions to GP2X. I really appreciate it. Keep up with the great work :)
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Most dynamically linked open2x compiled gp2x applications will work on the Wiz, not sure about F300 Voca.

Those extra settings in the gpe file are the joystick mapping setup and screen rotation, and the launch of the actual app (runMidlet) along with which midlet of the installed ones (in the case of mister hachi, it is the only one, and is therefore 2, as phoneme starts midlets at 2).

If you log the launch ( place "> log.txt" after runMidlet 2), you can see if there are any error messages.
Holymonkey said:
thats exciting to, my games will run on Wiz too, huh?

I'm sorry but this is only possible if someone build a version of PhoneME for the Wiz ....AFAIK there isn't any version available .
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mth411 said:
It will work on any of the gp2x firmwares. Compatibility goes down with open2x, not the other way round. Probably could do a wiz compile, but don't own a wiz (maybe someone could test builds for me?).

I'd be more than happy to do some testing for a Wiz port. Been dying for someone to port a Java emulator to the Wiz!!!
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mth411 said:
It will work on any of the gp2x firmwares. Compatibility goes down with open2x, not the other way round. Probably could do a wiz compile, but don't own a wiz (maybe someone could test builds for me?).
Thanks a million for your work. You can compile for Wiz with the same GP2X toolchain changing or renaming only two files, look this trick from Franxis. I can test your Wiz compilings if you need more betatesters. J2ME games with sound can be cool in Wiz, I have to test in GP2X too.

If you need a file Selector, has been ported to Wiz by ^Misato^ (spanish programmer) for other emulator. I can find you the source code if you want. And you can present the emulator port to the GP32Spain contest if you want!!
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Hardyx said:
If you need a file Selector, has been ported to Wiz by ^Misato^ (spanish programmer) for other emulator. I can find you the source code if you want. And you can present the emulator port to the GP32Spain contest if you want!!
The link to the Selector source code is here:

Looking forward to seeing this on the Wiz. :)

Cheers, Neil
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