Running Android Apps in Pyra OS

Does it actually run apps on your desktop? It almost seems like some kind of remote session thingy for your phone, actually, like the stuff runs on your phone but is displayed on your desktop or something. That's the impression I was getting, anyway.
Well, I can't get it to work on my computer, but I'll try again when Linux version is out. The FAQ says removing an app from your phone doesn't remove it from Andy, so they must be separate.

Pardon my ignorance but have you consider something like It seems a linux port is due this month. It isn't open source but it is free. 
Just looking at this, It's most likely dependent on X86 architecture and I doesn't look like it runs on ARM the two available versions make mention of x86 windows and x86_64  windows version.. 
It says in the comparison section that it supports ARM. Most likely it will when they release a Linux version this month. Or you have to contact them for it.
It says in the comparison section that it supports ARM. Most likely it will when they release a Linux version this month. Or you have to contact them for it.
But what side, I think it means they support ARM exclusive Android apps through some emulation layer.  not actually run on an ARM platform. That's the thing everything on this page is vague.. 

Maybe the Pyra will draw in someone actually interested in building an actual Android image to boot up.. Notaz has the skills, but I understand why he doesn't want to do it.. nor is there entirely that much who are interested to do so in the core Pandora developers.
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Hmm, the following sounds very interesting, could we possibly use this?

MicroXwin Creators Have A PC That Runs Debian & Android Together

The company behind MicroXwin, a kernel-based X Windows implementation that claims to be the smallest and fastest X implementation, has come up with a unified Linux distribution that runs Android and Debian/Ubuntu applications simultaneously.

Vasant Kanchan of the VolksPC, the company behind MicroXwin and this new project, wrote into Phoronix on Friday telling us about this dual Ubuntu/Debian + Android PC. Vasant explained:

This demo is running on a RK3066 dual core set top box. Some features of this implementation that your readers may be interested in knowing:

1. Both Android and Debian apps run at native speeds. Debian apps don't depend on Android unlike other implementation of Debian on Android which are based on VNC running on Android.
2. We did not change Android to implement this (other than start-up scripts). This means we have full compatibility with all Android applications.
3. MicroXwin provides the X-Wndows framework and it is much faster as seen running on ARM based Raspberry Pi
It's an interesting demo and VolksPC has put out a demo with Android "Jelly Bean" and Debian LXDE running hand-in-hand via the video below.
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I want what VolksPC is doing but backwards. They seem to be booting into Debian from Android. My preference would be to boot Android from Debian. Even moreso I would love to be able to boot/shutdown both or either as I see fit for a given situation.
I want what VolksPC is doing but backwards. They seem to be booting into Debian from Android. My preference would be to boot Android from Debian. Even moreso I would love to be able to boot/shutdown both or either as I see fit for a given situation.
He did shut down android half way the video and debian was still running :huh:
One of my dreams for the Pyra is to be able to run two Android virtual machines under the Debian OS.  One for work, one for play.  In this dream all 3 (Debian, Android Work, Android Play) would all be running simultaneously with the foreground application getting priority and the other two shuffled off to 5% or so of the CPU.

Debian would handle the network bridge much like VirtualBox does now on X86.  The Android VMs would run in more or less 'tablet mode' where they only see display, sound, networking bridge, HID (Keyboard, mouse, touchscreen), GPS, tilt & rumble.

It's a fun dream.
Well if ED decided to include the support or an app that supports it, He should knows it, no need to have the Pyra out. That was the question in this topic, right ?
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ED have nothing to do with that lol. I think you better learn how the community/scene works :) .

That's why you are new here. Listen and learn.
What are you two babbling out ?

He just wanted to know (probably from ED) wether there was any progress in that part, either the option ED was suggesting to pursue (Alien Dalvik) or the alternatives that were mentioned here. What is so hard to grasp ??

No ED, but the only progress towards Android I know of is made here (it would be a multiboot situation though)
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ED have nothing to do with that lol. I think you better learn how the community/scene works :) .
That's why you are new here. Listen and learn.
You realize that EvilDragon actually said he was going to be looking into it personally, right? Klumpen quoted his original intentions and ED responded that he was going to inquire "this week" back in February. It doesn't seem entirely far out to ask whether there's been any progress there or not.

Looks like Faust did more reading then you two :P
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