Certified Idiot :)
NOTE: This is not a full release of the game, just an early preview to see if people are interested in the game idea. Please do not post news on the release, thanks.
I think I mentioned the game on the forums last year when I first started coding the game as an experiment to see if it would work. Its called Round Em Up and the aim of the game is to get the animals into an enclosure by leading them to it by placing obstacles to block their path. There are some twists to the game such as (in the 'forest' level) a harvester type machine that cuts down the bushes (the obstacles for this level) and rain clouds that rain on some spots and generate a new bush.
I hope to make the game story based, kinda like bomberman (first similar game I could think of) with different themed graphics for areas like deserts, forests etc along with other game modes and features such as quick game, highscores, level generators, trade levels etc to add more playability.
Nothing is really set in stone so I am open to suggestions on new ideas for the game. As it stands the game is playable, the basic game is coded so I have uploaded a preview release of the game so you can get a better idea of it. Please note that there is no difficulty setting as everything is enabled just to see it working and after you complete the level the game goes back to the basic title screen. There are probably one or two bugs, no need to report them as its not needed yet.
I cant draw to save my life so I really need some artists to work their magic and create some nice graphics for the game. There are basically 9 or 10 pieces of graphics to do for each themed level so its not a lot of work and it can easily be split between people for different themes. If you are interested please let me know and if you would like to try out some ideas before offering your services you can do so by editing the graphics in the preview release found in the /roundemup/gfx/ folder. Also if you would like to help out with music/sound that would be useful as well.
If you are interested in helping out with the graphics or music/sound or have any suggestions for new features in the game please let me know by replying here.
You can download the release here. <- I updated this release to remove the mouse support as the left mouse button is clashing with up/left diagonal joystick input.
I think I mentioned the game on the forums last year when I first started coding the game as an experiment to see if it would work. Its called Round Em Up and the aim of the game is to get the animals into an enclosure by leading them to it by placing obstacles to block their path. There are some twists to the game such as (in the 'forest' level) a harvester type machine that cuts down the bushes (the obstacles for this level) and rain clouds that rain on some spots and generate a new bush.
I hope to make the game story based, kinda like bomberman (first similar game I could think of) with different themed graphics for areas like deserts, forests etc along with other game modes and features such as quick game, highscores, level generators, trade levels etc to add more playability.
Nothing is really set in stone so I am open to suggestions on new ideas for the game. As it stands the game is playable, the basic game is coded so I have uploaded a preview release of the game so you can get a better idea of it. Please note that there is no difficulty setting as everything is enabled just to see it working and after you complete the level the game goes back to the basic title screen. There are probably one or two bugs, no need to report them as its not needed yet.
I cant draw to save my life so I really need some artists to work their magic and create some nice graphics for the game. There are basically 9 or 10 pieces of graphics to do for each themed level so its not a lot of work and it can easily be split between people for different themes. If you are interested please let me know and if you would like to try out some ideas before offering your services you can do so by editing the graphics in the preview release found in the /roundemup/gfx/ folder. Also if you would like to help out with music/sound that would be useful as well.
If you are interested in helping out with the graphics or music/sound or have any suggestions for new features in the game please let me know by replying here.
You can download the release here. <- I updated this release to remove the mouse support as the left mouse button is clashing with up/left diagonal joystick input.