Rot Season 1 Round 6 - Vote!

Game 1: Racing or fighting?

  • Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off-Road | Fixed Screen | Arcade

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Lotus Esprit Challenge | N/A | Amiga

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • TMNT: Turtles in Time | Beat 'em Up | Arcade ; SNES

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • Golden Axe | Beat 'em Up | MD/Gen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Streets of Rage 2 | Beat 'em Up | MD/Gen

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Megaman: The Power Battle | Boss Rush | Arcade

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters

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Still fresh, damnit!
Oct 6, 2008
Somewhere off the coast of the EU
Sorry for the delay everyone, but it's finally here - the very last vote thread for RoT season one.

So, game 1 is racers (again) or fighters (again), but this time the random number generator has thrown up a couple of fighters we've not seen before IIRC - namely TMNT and SoR2. Luckily for Prometheus, it's picked one of the Megaman fighters for her to pick ;)

Game 2 gives us yet another chance to ignore Pinball Quest in favour of a shooter. Lots of early 90s classics to pick from here, or you could plump for The Empire Strikes Back on the good old VCS.

The poll comprising the first two questions finished officially on Monday, and votes after I tallied them up below will not be accepted. The tie break question is now active and will close on Thursday 14th April.
Go empire strikes back! maybe I can find my old 2600 and play this just like old times. :) Except it'd probably look funky as hell on a 1080 hdtv :P

TMNT is another classic, had to go with that.
So we didn't have so many people post votes this time round (probably my fault for putting up the thread late). I'll tally up the votes a bit later and make it official.
Crazy day, but I'm here now. Thankyou to the final voter for sorting out the first game tie...but making the second game go three way ;)

So, the final results for game 1 are:
3 - Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off-road - Arcade
2 - TMNT - Turtles in Time - Arcade
1 - Streets of Rage 2 - MD/Gen
1 - MegaMan - The Power Battle - Arcade
0 - Lotus Esprit Challenge - Amiga
0 - Golden Axe - MD/Gen

This game 1 is Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off-road, Arcade version. I'm not sure how to score this yet - as I remember it you can get quite far on your first credit.

Game 2 results are tied:
2 - Super Star Soldier - PCE/TG16
2 - Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - 2600/VCS
2 - Thunderforce IV - MD/Gen
1 - Pinball Quest - Famicom/NES
0 - Gynoug - MD/Gen
0 - Final Soldier - PCE/Gen

I've put up a tie-break poll for this, above, although unless someone voting has a change of heart it's down to the person that voted for Pinball Quest to have the casting vote.

I'll run this tie-break poll until Thursday - 14th April. I'm hoping one credit high score will be suitable for any of these three, although I'm a little unsure about SW:TESB.
Looks like I'm the only one that want starwars :( ;)

So are we going with thunderforce then? I'll try to test out ivan tonight. Caine, you have any time to test out either game and give scoring suggestions?
MonkeyChops said:
Caine, you have any time to test out either game and give scoring suggestions?
Not tonight. I have a deadline for a chapter of my dissertation tomorrow and an Aikido training until 23:00 this evening. I'll try to take a look tomorrow evening, but no guarantees. Saturday should be fine though.
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I tried out ironman last night. It is very easy and seemingly endless. I suggest we not allow power ups, except maybe in-play nitros. Meaning you can use nitros you pick up in game but your not allowed to buy them or anything else in the shop. Someone try playing that way and see if it's still to easy. I want this game to be fun but we have to do something or it will get crazy. I think those big wheels on the arcade machine actually made the game harder than it really is. :blink:
Tried Thunder Force IV. It's pretty straightforward: just press Start to start the game and when you lost all your lives don't continue (you can repeatedly push B to bring the counter down to zero). You'll get to the highscore table then.

Let's just go with the default difficulty settings (normal, 3 lives). There is an options menu which you can bring up with START+B (you can cheat 99 lives there but also increase difficulty).
But there's no reason to enter the options menu as the default settings are perfect for our competition. The game is quite tough already at the standard difficulty.

According to Wikipedia this is one of the few games where the PAL version runs as fast as the NTSC-versions ( There are also no gameplay differences so any version should be allowed to be played (btw., the US version is called "Lightening Force").

Before you start you can select the order in which you want to play the first 4 levels. I suggest any order should be allowed for the competition.
I agree with the scoring proposals made.

According to wikipedia, Ironman goes up to 99 races total (over 8 different tracks). This will take way too long for short gaming sessions. So you can use the nitro you start out with and whatever you pickup during the race, but no upgrades. Income earned at the game over screen is your final score.

Thunder Force IV on default without continues seems like a logical choice as well. I agree with john4p that the initial level order is up to individual players.

I can see no problems with these rules at this time.
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