Rot Season 1 Round 4 - Vote!

Game 1: Fighter or other?

  • Final Fight CD | Beat 'em Up | Sega CD

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Golden Axe | Beat 'em Up | Arcade

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Megaman: The Power Battle | Boss Rush| Arcade

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Megaman 2: The Power Fighers | Boss Rush | Arcade

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Streets of Rage 2 | Beat 'em Up | MD/Gen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ushio to Tora | Hack 'n Slash | SNES

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Pinball Quest | Role-Playing | NES

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Root Beer Tapper | Bartender Simulation | Arcade

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Intrepid | Maze Chase | Arcade

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters

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Still fresh, damnit!
Oct 6, 2008
Somewhere off the coast of the EU
Blimey, is it already time for the round 4 vote?

The first game list is a bit of a mixed bag, but that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. It's mainly made up of fighters, like last time (though I've removed the MD version of Golden Axe since it came joint top last time). For the remainder (we had a lot of votes in the run off thread, so I've increased the options) we have Pinball Quest, Root Beer Tapper, and Intrepid. Please note that although Pinball Quest is listed as an RPG, it does contain straight pinball modes, and that was the original suggested mode of play.

The second list is purely shooters. I know some of us have only just finished playing Parodius, but we've got a couple of weeks off shooters, so come March 17th there will be a new shooter for us to play, and the list contains such diverse games as Smash TV and Voidrunner (which I've watched a video of, and still have no idea how to play!)

The deadline for this vote is March 10th which gives us until next Thursday to vote, and leaves us a week to sort out any tie break situations and decide on scoring.
Having a few more games in the nominations list would certainly help, now we seem to have a few more members of the league. So if anyone's got any ideas for games to play, the Official Nominations Thread is still open.

Thanks for the title fix, Prometheus. And for the vote :)
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Would have voted RType if it was the arcade version. Def a weird bag of games this time round, should be interesting!!! :)
Sorry, I meant to close this yesterday, but didn't have time. At the time the first vote was tied, but it isn't now and I'll accept the 13th vote to clear the tie. So, the games we'll play are Golden Axe on Arcade and Smash TV likewise. If you've not got access to the original boards, or an emulator you're happy to use, or a console collection, please let me know. Also, if you've got any suggestions how to score these games, post here. I'll look into these games in the following days, though I'm likely to go for strict high scores unless something better is obvious or someone has an idea.
Damn! How do I choose? I haven't spent a lot of time on Golden Axe so I really fancied playing that, but I love Smash TV and it's perfect for this league. Both of my votes weren't supposed to win!

Smash TV has to be played as high score by the way Levi, keep it simple :)
levi said:
....So, the games we'll play are Golden Axe on Arcade and Smash TV likewise....

mr.miyagi voted after levi closed

levi said:
Also, if you've got any suggestions how to score these games, post here. I'll look into these games in the following days, though I'm likely to go for strict high scores unless something better is obvious or someone has an idea.
Here's the info on the games picked:
Golden Axe | Beat 'em Up | Arcade | High Score | wiki pic clip | MonkeyChops
Smash TV | Shoot 'em up | Arcade | Top Score 1 Credit | wiki pic clip | Tickles

I'm personally more of a fan of the fair high score system.

Judging by the youtubes of golden axe we should submit score, level reached, strength, & class to avoid possible ties. Or possibly top score/strength/class after finishing the game, of course they always make it look easy on youtube :P . It will be hard to know where you are at since this is one of those games that doesn't show your score until the end.

On Smash TV, it's strait forward enough, your score is shown the whole time and there is little chance of a tie. Although continuing doesn't reset your score. So we could try a "top score with a buck" scoring method, where we allow 3 continues (4 quarters) or less if that's ridicules.
It just occurred to me, while watching youtubes of smash tv, that playing with dual nubs would be awesome - almost unfairly awesome :D . It would be a little like Geometry Wars except with a digital firing pattern. To bad my left nub is dead :(

[edit2] ah ok, dual stick is how the arcade originally was setup, guess I've only ever played console ports :P
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Thanks, Monkeychops. I've been all kinds of busy here too. On consideration, I think I agree with you regarding fair scoring. I didn't like it at first as it seemed pretty random, but I think in practice where scores can differ by only a few percentage points, making the scores represent that is better.
ok, I just had some time to try out each game and ironically enough I think I might go for smash tv this round. however, I can't get my nub mapped to the firing buttons, anyone know if mapping the nubs is possible in mame4all or mame 1.06? there are multiple versions of each game this round to play, I'm not sure if there is much of a difference in each one but we should decide which ones to go with. Judging by the youtubes, Golden axe must differ because the clips show more item elves between levels than i was getting playing version 1. Unless there is some secret to getting them that I don't know about... I'll see if I can make time to try out the other versions tomorrow and report any differences.
levi said:
It might just be DIP settings changing the difficulty, perhaps? I've not been able to try out Golden Axe arcade myself unfortunately.

yea it must be that or maybe you get more for playing better or something, I don't see any noticeable differences in any of the versions for either game. I'd say any mame version is fine for the compo.

Here's a preliminary Golden Axe score.

stage 5
score 48.5
strength 54.3
class A
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Golden Axe:

stage 7
score 108.0
strength 84.0

Those skeletons are difficult to beat.
I'm struggling to defeat Death Adder right now.

It's going to be really annoying to improve once several people have finished the game, as scoring is totally non-obvious.

[edit]Damn, almost got him! Score updated.[/edit]
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