Rick dangerous in the Ports section

true karma

Mar 24, 2003
There is a port of Rick dangerous for the GP32 available at
but it's not listed in the Ports section of this site, even though it has been mentioned once or twice in the forums, just wondering why it's not listed?
I got this port on the CD Craig makes up with my GP32, always wondered why its not mentioned on any of the main sites cause its a class port :)
Darned if I know where I found it but yep, great game, one of the first I put on my SMC too (didn't buy from Craig, so no CD).

Now with Castaway I can enjoy RD 2 as well!
Can you let us kno wwhen its out?

How far can everyone get?

Im currently stuck on the bit where you're climbing up a ladder, and you have to avoid these 2 arrows. The bottom one ocmes from the left, the 2nd from teh rigt. Theres a block in the middle of the room, and a bad guy walking from the left hand side of the screen toward the block.

Is this game in levels!? cos even when I was a kid I oculdn't get past this bit.....
Thanks, I didn't know about this port until now. I just played it for a while and it's great! Pretty funny considering I played the game for my first time ever yesterday in CaSTaway/GP. =) And now I have a perfect GP32 port.

Hard game, but addictive and fun. Might be cool to have music added and maybe some alternate control schemes so you can assign seperate buttons for jump, shoot and bomb. Err... and save states maybe?
I'll probably try to work on the highscore saver this weekend. The control changing idea is a good one, instead of doing up+A to shoot and down+A to lay bomb, it could be A to shoot and B to lay bomb.
I'll look into it and see if it's easy to change (the port wasn't made by me, so I'm not all that familiar with the source yet)

Definately change the controls - A to shoot and B to bomb is OK, but you need the stick too (R trigger?).

Skip-to-level would be nice: Once you've beaten level 1 then you should be able to start at level 2 from the main menu. More important to me that than high scores I think.

Otherwise, I think that's it. The current port is fantastic, so any additions are a bonus.

There is a stick too? Damn, seem like my knowledge of the game is not at all up to par. Then I guess it's more questionable whether these new controls will be better, having to fiddle with the shoulder buttons in normal gameplay maybe isn't that good.
The level restart thing sounds good (not that I've beaten level 1 myself yet), but I don't know if can fix that. I've just been able to get the code through the compiler, and started checking out where a highscore saver could be inserted, but as for 99% of the code, I'm totally clueless. I think maybe hando's frontpage article has made people think I know more about XRick than I actually do.. :)
The stick is really useless. You hold in attack and left/right and when the enemies walk into it, they are stunned for a short while.

And its not a bomb - it's dynamite!

Controls are fine by me - but I am wandering, are there actually LEVELS?! Cos I thought it was just one long hard game lol.
I think that full button configuration would be very nice. This way you would satisfy everyone. Personally I would like to be able to jump by pressing a button instead of going up...Particularly useful, especially in tight spots.
The idea of being able to skip levels you have already cleared is also a good one.
