Rick Dangerous Pandora


Still Fresh
Jan 2, 2006
Hi there,

we have recently Rick Dangerous on the wii wich is a straight port from the 68k but with enhanced graphics, new musics, new starting sequence and an all new final. Some info here

Any way just wanted to let you know that you can count on it soon as i have my pandora in hand (ordered on the first batch) :-P for info the game is running on gp2x too but im not sure about releasing it (need to install back everything etc..) and my gp2x seems bricked (and i hate that stupid pad ...) :-/

We have also a couple of games that you can count on

Hi (again),

Your game is so nice on Wii I just can't wait to play it on Pandora / GP2X :)

And I replied your mail btw...

Wii homebrewers, give this game a go !

Bye, Magic Sam
Don't have a Wii but I do have a GBA emulator so I'll have to check out some of your other reverse engineerings. Is there a place on the net I can read about your specific methods? Or can you post some of the more interesting aspects of it here in the thread?
Senor Quack said:
Don't have a Wii but I do have a GBA emulator so I'll have to check out some of your other reverse engineerings. Is there a place on the net I can read about your specific methods? Or can you post some of the more interesting aspects of it here in the thread?
The Wii version is awesome so I'm really excited about this. I think the shoulder pads might be better for shooting and dropping bombs on the Pandora though. Holding up and 1 to shoot on the wiimote is cumbersome.
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Senor Quack said:
Don't have a Wii but I do have a GBA emulator so I'll have to check out some of your other reverse engineerings. Is there a place on the net I can read about your specific methods? Or can you post some of the more interesting aspects of it here in the thread?
Well not really, i may do one if people are interested but first thing to look at : IDA , the reverse best friend on earth
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zeGouky said:
Hi there,

we have recently Rick Dangerous on the wii wich is a straight port from the 68k but with enhanced graphics, new musics, new starting sequence and an all new final. Some info here

Any way just wanted to let you know that you can count on it soon as i have my pandora in hand (ordered on the first batch) :-P for info the game is running on gp2x too but im not sure about releasing it (need to install back everything etc..) and my gp2x seems bricked (and i hate that stupid pad ...) :-/

We have also a couple of games that you can count on


I just got the rss update from wiibrew of your work. It look wunderfull. And I was thinking this should be awsome on the pand. So I come here to post about and I found your post.
So THANKS. and welcome aboard.

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I think that Rick Dangerous (and Rick Dangerous 2) should work well at DosBox on the Pandora but a port would be much better, surely.
Nice work :)