XRick highscore saver


May 8, 2003
I really like the GP32 port of XRick (played Rick Dangerous on my C64 and Amiga many years ago).
The only thing I miss is that the highscores aren't saved to the SMC.
This feature would probably not be hard to implement at all (I could probably do it if I had the sources).
Anyone know if the sources are released, or how to contact the author (Anders Granlund)? I can't find any e-mail or website.
He's the same guy who did the Infones and Sarien ports - his site's posted in their info, but to save you looking, here it is - http://w1.243.telia.com/~u24315537/

... He's also done the GPQuake port, but its a 3fps job atm, and only for 32 MB cards... still, hopefully someone will pick up where he left off...
Thanks! There even was a complete source posted on his site, so when I get more comfortable with the GP32 coding (just started out), I should be able to add the highscore-saver myself. Ahh, the beauty of opensource - if you want a feature, just add it yourself.
Glad I could help - good luck on adding the High-score thing...

If you want a bit more of a challenge, get it to encrypt the score with the Username on the GP32 - then hopefully we can actually have things like competitions for gaming prowess (this be's a feature I ask pretty nearly everyone to put in, so if you cbf, don't worry. I only know of one game that does it so far - the Giana's Sisters remke - and it ain't released yet).

No idea on how you'd go about it though...
Yeah, while it's a good idea, I think it's probably a bit too ambitious at the moment. For now my first priority will be to actually be able to compile the original source! :D
You could always just play it on Castaway then save the state :P

quality isnt quite as fantastic but its damn close :D
I'd forgotten about the Great Giana Sisters game, I doubt that this will ever get released now which is a shame it looked really good from the screen prints

Why can't they just change the gfx and remove any kind of dtory for the Giana Sisters thing, so it isn't Giana Sisters anymore. Also, please DON'T add a hiscore list, it would be embarasing to me (as in: I am the worst player of it in the whole entire world)
So am I... but there could be such a thing as classes in any competitions - i.e. once you got over a certain scre, or past a certain level, you instantly go onto the next class in the scorefile :)

Put it like this... if a high-score system were to be set up, I'd be among the first to register for it. I'd just be permanently at the bottom of the list.