Retrogamingradio About The Gp2x

The thing is you can file all the motions you want but a judge can easily throw it out based on the fact the computers do the same thing better and they can't be stopped. it might make GPH re-clarify that they don't make the emulators that you can use but that's no big deal as people will still know they're out there.

I agree using the names in actual advertisements is a bit risky for GPH but someone like Craig or even LikSang can do it without batting an eye... well maybe LikSang might flinch concidering their history with lawsuits. :)
Oh, my, God. This guys show is absolutely terrible. It is an insanely boring waste of time, apart from the 9 minutes about the GP2X at the end. I felt that it just dragged and dragged. Not that it even tells us anything new anyway. I just straight-up hate his voice too. Goddamn.
Sounds like a decent enough radio show, kinda slow/low tempo (Put some music in the background, Get excited, Jazz it up a lil!) although the "Mario 64 tech demo" comment mentioned earlier made me go "whaa?"

Ouch.... horribly american accent...

I resemble that remark :D He speaks clearly enough in my opinion, hell. I mumble and I have a supressed southern drawl. He just could sound a bit more enthuisiastic.
His voice sounds a little too "I'm trying to sounds like a radio personaility" also kinda felt like he was lowered a couple of octaves, digitally, but over all he just sounds like an AM radio talkshow. Like something off of NPR.

Most talk shows need to fill time anyway so he might have only had about 6 minutes worth of thigns to say about it but stretched it out to meet his intended target time.
Hahahaha, I thought the exact same thing! I felt he was just trying to fill up time!

Alpha2 posted on Oct 3 2005 at 11:35 PM said: he might have only had about 6 minutes worth of thigns to say about it but stretched it out to meet his intended target time.

6 minutes (well we'll say 15 including the GP2X stuff) lengthened to over 2 hours! Now thats qualtiy radio!
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Gandysampras posted on Oct 4 2005 at 01:19 AM said:
Oh, my, God. This guys show is absolutely terrible. It is an insanely boring waste of time, apart from the 9 minutes about the GP2X at the end. I felt that it just dragged and dragged. Not that it even tells us anything new anyway. I just straight-up hate his voice too. Goddamn.

If you don't like it, don't listen to it. Simple as that. No need to rack down on other people's work. Especially not when it's free.

The things he said may not be news to you, but it's news to a lot of people who's never even heard of GP2X or GP32 for that matter.

I for one am glad he's doing it. I know for a fact that a lot of people listen to his show and like it. I also know that those 9 minutes of air time will help sell GP2X units.
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You completely missed the point of my post, i said that the part about the GP2X was interesting, but it just seemed like he wasn't enthusiastic at all. I have heard many a better podcast, and just so you know, i won't be listening to it again, so no need to cry about it any more.
I'm not a fan of internet "radio shows" or of most "editorials" in general.

I consider anyone's informed opinion on a messageboard to be as valuable as anyone's elses. Which is why I have always been a big fan of messageboards, and why they tend to be where you'll find my opinions, rather than in "articles" or "editorials."

I always got along fine with Shane, and I've known him since well before retrogamingradio existed, so I have nothing against the guy. I'm just not a fan of the concept, but if he's having fun and his listeners are as well, then it's cool. I just don't think an audio show is well geared for the subject matter.

I'd rather play a retro game than listen to someone's opinions on them. Ya know?

Just my personal outlook.

And what's wrong with an "American" accent? Afterall, like it or not we Americans invented videogames. So give us a break. :P
Don't worry, Gandysampras, I wasn't crying. Just bored, having to read and answer "insanely boring waste of time". Spam, that has nothing to do with the GP2X ;)

I want the GP2X succeed. I wish there were a lot more bigger sites/magazines that were willing to talk about it, but there aren't. Most won't even mention a new product unless it has "Sony" or "Nintendo" stamped on to it and a hefty sum of ad money following it. That's why I like Shane's effort and hope he's willing to do more.

Nothing wrong with American accent. I think we have a few too many Britts here that don't like hearing their language being "abused" ;)
Indeed, the IGN's and Gamespots of the world aren't interested in anything that won't provide a steady comercial based ad revenue stream and thousands of paying "members." ;)

So GP2X will never become "mainstream."

Which is fine with me. Mainstreaming destroys the heart and soul of a scene IMO. GP32 has been an "underground" system, and I hope GP2X remains "underground" as well, and considering its primary appeal is for technie/game nerds, I think it will. But that doesn't mean it will fail. I think worldwide there's a big enough potential audience to make GPH successful and profitable.

Exposure to the various hobbyist scenes is what GP2X needs, and so far it's getting that - the Linux crowd, the emu crowd, the retro crowd... and of course the pre-existing GamePark user base. :)
craigix posted on Oct 4 2005 at 12:14 AM said:
Actually Dave, depressingly it was the people who ignored Sony who got away with it...

And Sony didn't sue the pants off of them? I am surprised. Well I am on your side anyway. I want the GP2X to be popular and I don't want any trouble. I know you want it to be popular for business reasons too. I just hope it stays under the radar even with the bold emulation statements.
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Prophet posted on Oct 4 2005 at 01:00 AM said:
Exposure to the various hobbyist scenes is what GP2X needs, and so far it's getting that - the Linux crowd, the emu crowd, the retro crowd... and of course the pre-existing GamePark user base. :)

I may be alone on this but I hope it gets some exposure in the demo scene too. I remember some of those megademos on the Amiga and they were really cool. The techno music was cool on those and they had all kinds of hardware tech stuff going on as well. Stuff like plasma, vector BOBs, polygon transparencies, particle effects, raster effects, sine scrolls (which always seemed to say "we are elite, fuck off lamers") etc were done. Those weren't for everyone as they are not games or emus but were awesome in their own way.
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Prophet posted on Oct 4 2005 at 03:00 AM said:
Indeed, the IGN's and Gamespots of the world aren't interested in anything that won't provide a steady comercial based ad revenue stream and thousands of paying "members." ;)

So GP2X will never become "mainstream."

Which is fine with me. Mainstreaming destroys the heart and soul of a scene IMO. GP32 has been an "underground" system, and I hope GP2X remains "underground" as well, and considering its primary appeal is for technie/game nerds, I think it will. But that doesn't mean it will fail. I think worldwide there's a big enough potential audience to make GPH successful and profitable.

Exposure to the various hobbyist scenes is what GP2X needs, and so far it's getting that - the Linux crowd, the emu crowd, the retro crowd... and of course the pre-existing GamePark user base. :)

While I never said I wanted the GP2X to go mainstream you have to remember that GPH needs to make a profit on the actual units. Companies like Sony and Nintendo don't. They make their money selling games.

What I meant by success is that I want GPH to make a good profit. And they can't very well do that without selling lots of units. Not so sure that the Linux crowd, the emu crowd and the retro crowd is big enough for that. Could be wrong though.

What I really want is for the GP2X to survive for the long term and I also want a chance of seeing a GP3X and a GP4X in the future :)
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Remember Jeffs Rule - its not sueing GPH which is so bad (though going to the source is pretty rough), its also stopping all the distributors and third parties from selling it, supporting it etc -- do you think any game dev will support a platform being sued? And if no one will stock the unit...

It is better to keep out from under the nose of the big N :)

I would like to point out that for example here in Sweden the looser pays all costs for the winner after they have been to court so it's not a good idea to sue anyone here if you're not sure to win. Also we have no jury, 3 judges desides instead. Don't know what things are like in South Korea.

As far as I know there's no patent or copyright law that could stop emulators. Copyright concerns the roms and also all emulators will also be protected. You can't get a patent for an emulator because there are already numerous emulators out there. I don't know about patents for emulators for future consoles though, that might be possible by patenting some special parts that makes it impossible to make an emulator without. World wide patents do cost a whole lot of money every year though so you have to be sure they do what you want them to do.
Digital Awakening posted on Oct 4 2005 at 06:32 AM said:
I would like to point out that for example here in Sweden the looser pays all costs for the winner after they have been to court so it's not a good idea to sue anyone here if you're not sure to win.

They need that here in North America, too. There's few things more aggrivating than reading about a large company filing a lawsuit against a smaller company that they can't win, but feel they can get away with because they have enough money to outlast the little guy.
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I think its funny how people keep goin on about emulators. I can play snes games on my ps2 nintendo cant do anythin about it. As someone else already said pc`s can emulate just about anythin too. As long as they dont try to sell emulators or roms then they will be fine. Maybe Nintendo could ask them to stop using there name thats probably about it :blink: